Synopses & Reviews
Images of Women in Literature, Fifth Edition, is an anthology of literature--short fiction, poetry, and drama--by a broad range of female and male writers depicting the roles of women in literature.
Table of Contents
I. Traditional Images of Women Image One: The Wife Little Woman, Sally Benson The Angel over the Right Shoulder, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Cutting the Jewish Bride's Hair, Ruth Whitman The Bridal Veil, Alice Cary Aunt Rosanna's Rocker, Nicholosa Mohr Migration, Carol Gregory A Wife's Story, Bharati Mukherjee Secretive, Jane Augustine Driving to Oregon, Jean Thompson Facing the Music, Larry Brown Marks, Linda Pastan. Image Two: The Mother I Sing the Body Electric! Ray Bradbury On the First Night, Erica Jong Transition, Toi Derricotte The Mother, Gwendolyn Brooks Pressure for Pressure, Ellen Lesser Expensive Gifts, Sue Miller Daddy, Jan Clausen The Envelope, Maxine Kumin Between the Lines, Ruth Stone I Ask My Mother to Sing, Li-Young Lee Flower Feet, Ruth Fainlight Speculation, Gloria C Oden Girl, Jamaica Kincaid Cihuatlyotl, Woman Alone, Gloria E Anzaldua Dear Toni Instead of a Letter, Audre Lorde Souvenir, Jayne Anne Phillips Bridging, Max Apple Grace, Vicki Sears. Image Three: Woman on a Pedestal Susanna and the Elders, Adelaide Crapsey In an Artist's Studio, Christina Rossetti The Glamour Trap, George Lefferts Pretty, Alta The End of a Career, Jean Stafford Song, William Blake Baby, You Were Great! Kate Wilhelm La Belle Dame sans Merci, John Keats The Loreley, Heinrich Heine Erzulie Freida, Zora Neale Hurston Image Four: The Sex Object The Girls in Their Summer Dresses, Irwin Shaw Brooklyn, Paule Marshall One off the Short List, Doris Lessing The Patriarch, Colette Metonymy, Julie Fay From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Maya Angelou With no immediate cause, Ntozake Shange From Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, Linda Brent [Harriet Jacobs] From The Maimie Papers, Maimie Pinzer Poem about My Rights, June Jordan Image Five: Women without Men Miss Gee, W.H. Auden Bedquilt, Dorothy Canfield Fisher The Women Men Don't See, James Tiptree, Jr Silk-Workers, Agnes Smedley My Lover Is a Woman, Pat Parker Trespassing, Valerie Miner Home, Shirley Ann Grau The Story of an Hour, Kate Chopin The Widow's Lament in Springtime, William Carlos Williams Mourning to Do, May Sarton Old Things, Bobbie Ann Mason. II. Woman Becoming A Prison gets to be a friend, Emily Dickinson Tell Me a Riddle, Tillie Olsen Unlearning to Not Speak, Marge Piercy Seventeen Syllables, Hisaye Yamamoto Three Women, Charlotte Perkins Gilman A Allegory on Wimmen's Rights, Marietta Holley Miss Rosie, Lucille Clifton I Like to Think of Harriet Tubman, Susan Griffin From Work: A Story of Experience, Louisa May Alcott From Gifts of Power, Rebecca Jackson A Person as Well as a Female, Jade Snow Wong Spelling, Margaret Atwood Trifles, Susan Glaspell Diving into the Wreck, Adrienne Rich Hope, Nadya Aisenberg Homecoming, Martha Collins A Woman at the Window, Nellie Wong Present, Sonia Sanchez Beyond What, Alice Walker Three Dreams in the Desert under a Mimosa Tree, Olive Schreiner Woman, Alaide Foppa. Afterword: Writing Images/Images of Writing by Jean Ferguson Carr Suggestions for Further Reading Works Cited in Introductions Works Cited in Previous Editions Reference Works Periodicals Anthologies of Women's Writings Selected Recent Literary Criticism and Theory Acknowledgements Author/Title Index.