Synopses & Reviews
Course Overview: Management/Managerial Accounting (undergraduate and MBA) The managerial accounting course follows financial accounting in a two-course sequence for first and second year business majors. It is found at both two and four year schools, as well as in MBA programs. The purpose of managerial accounting is to provide managers with information useful in planning and controlling the activities of a business. It deals with internal, rather than external information. Managerial accounting reports include budgets, performance reports, and analysis of economic alternatives such as make-or-buy manufacturing decisions. The market is segmented into traditional, transitional, and innovative text offerings. Hilton falls into the traditional to transitional market segment.
Title Overview: The emphasis of Managerial Accounting, 9th edition is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manage an organization. In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter. Known for balanced examples of Service, Retail, Nonprofit and Manufacturing companies, Hilton offers a clear, engaging writing style that has been praised by instructors and students alike. As in previous editions, there is significant coverage of contemporary topics such as activity-based costing, target costing, the value chain, customer profitability analysis, and throughput costing while also including traditional topics such as job-order costing, budgeting and performance evaluation.