Synopses & Reviews
Mastering ArcGIS is an introductory GIS text that is designed to offer everything you need to master the basic elements of GIS. The author's step-by-step approach helps students negotiate the challenging tasks involved in learning sophisticated GIS software. This text employs a carefully developed learning system to help students use ArcView 9.2 or ArcGIS Desktop or higher, to set up and solve GIS problems. An innovative and unique feature of Mastering ArcGIS is its accompanying CD-ROM with narrated video clips that show students exactly how to perform chapter tutorials before attempting an exercise on their own.
About the Author
Maribeth Price is a professor at the South Dakota School of Mines and Tech.
Table of Contents
1 Introducing ArcGIS2 Working with ArcMap3 Coordinate Systems and Map Projections4 Drawing and Symbolizing Features5 Working with Tables6 Queries7 Spatial Joins8 Geoprocessing9 Presenting Data10 Geocoding11 Basic Editing in ArcMap12 More Editing Techniques13 Working with Geodatabases14 Analyzing Networks15 Raster Analysis