Synopses & Reviews
1 Introduction
Part I Reconciling Christianity and Modernity in the Early Twentieth Century
2 A Theological History of Modernism
3 Spiritualising the War: Religion, Conflict, and Politics
4 Spaces of Encounter: Theological Modernism and Neo-scholasticism in Literature and Literary Criticism
Part II Poetry, Aesthetics, and Theology (c. 1900-1950)
5 The Ripening Dark God of Modernity: Religion and Creativity in Rainer Maria Rilke's and Lou Andreas-Salom 's Writings
6 A 'Raid on the Absolute': Dogmatic Tradition and Mystical Experience in T. S. Eliot's Poetry and Criticism
7 'A Passionate Pursuit of the Real': Theology and Poetics in Czeslaw Milosz's Writings
8 Epilogue