Synopses & Reviews
If you feel like your kids are killing you, you’ve come to the right place. Attention all potty-mouthed, cheap-wine-drinking mothers: Prepare to meet your match. Any bad thought you’ve had about your kids, Nicole Knepper has had worse. Much worse. It’s not that she doesn’t love her kids. It’s that she understands what a mind-f*?% it can be to try to civilize those wild little beasts.
Based on her hugely popular Facebook page, “Moms Who Drink and Swear,” this book reveals why family dinners are like herpes, how to avoid smashing toys that are being fought over, and the joy of hearing that your son has murdered his imaginary friend. As Nicole rants and raves about caring for children (without crushing their souls), family togetherness (without too many tears), the saving grace of girlfriends (and vodka), and love and marriage (and all the baggage that goes with them), she gets to the heart of what every exasperated mom is thinking, just much funnier.
Raves for Nicole Knepper “Nikki has a way of connecting and resonating with moms that is almost magical and pretty much guarantees a bestselling book.”—Jill Smokler, author of Scary Mommy
“Nikki Knepper is one of a kind. She’s a smart, compassionate, gritty, insightful, potty-mouthed, hilarious, fearless, silly, and generous spirit every bit deserving of the enormous online platform she’s grown. I’m a proud fan of Moms Who Drink and Swear, and I can’t wait to read what’s next!”—Julie Haas Brophy, author of Sh*t My Kids Ruined: An A–Z Celebration of Kid-Destruction
“As a mom who despises ‘mommy blogs,’ discovering Nicole Knepper’s writing was almost as sweet as the first time my son let me use the bathroom without him. With her biting sense of humor, Nicole has struck a chord not just with parents, but with anyone interested in answering life’s biggest question, ‘What the fuck?’ She's all at once insightful, touching, and hilarious.”—Natalie Slater, author of Bake and Destroy
“I had this idea in my head about what mommy and daddy bloggers were all about—posts about how wonderful raising children and life with little ones and how every day of parenting was a magical gift, like a glitter-filled fart from a baby unicorn. I wanted nothing to do with those lies. Then I found Nikki and the Moms Who Drink and Swear blog. She is honest about raising kids, being an adult child now in charge of children, and everything that comes with the parenting gig. Nikki is the parent, and writer, I want to be. Plus she smells nice. Not as nice as glittery unicorn farts, but nice.”—Chris Illuminati, author of A**holeology: The Cheat Sheet
“Nicole Knepper has that rare combination of laugh-out-loud humor and genuine intelligence that makes her writing a go-to for parents who need to feel like someone 'gets them.' She invites everyone into the crazy club of parenthood, promising to reassure stressed-out parents that their fears are normal, while allowing them to laugh at their secret thoughts. It is hard to be sensitive and hilarious at the same time, but Nicole truly is both.”—Carrie Goldman, author of Bullied: What Every Parent, Teacher and Kid Needs to Know About Ending the Cycle of Fear
“If Facebook existed when Erma Bombeck was alive and writing bestsellers, she would be Nikki Knepper. Maybe with less drinking and fewer f-bombs.”—Bill Adee, VP Digital Media, Chicago Tribune Media Group
About the Author
Nicole Knepper is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in the fields of substance abuse, trauma, dual diagnosis and autism spectrum disorders and the mom to two special needs kids. In addition to running her Facebook page, "Moms Who Drink and Swear," she blogs for The Chicago Tribune and works to spread awareness about special needs.