Synopses & Reviews
This is a transformational training course designed to give church leaders of all educational levels the basic biblical interpretation, homiletical, public speaking, and leadership skills necessary to fulfill their role as lay leaders. It provides all of the resources necessary to facilitate class discussions in each of the four learning modules, including recommendations for suggested textbooks, power point presentations, and other class room materials to be distributed to the students as study guides.
A church can only go as far as its leaders. When the leadership as a whole grows spiritually, the church also grows spiritually. We grow in the Lord as we learn how to ..".accurately handle the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15; NASB). Focused bible study, enhanced with the proper biblical interpretation skills, provides a much deeper and more thorough understanding of God's word and thus strengthens our relationship with Him. It also provides the foundation for our theological development and biblical worldview.