Synopses & Reviews
"Hypnotically written and impressively weird, My Morningless Mornings is an intense and harrowing meditation on Stefany Anne Golberg's youthful insomnia. More than that, though, it's a moving mini-portrait of the bond between a father and his daughter. I really loved this book."-- Tom Bissell Have you had a reason to avoid the morning? To wish you didn't have to wake up and face your life? For Stefany Anne Golberg, the morning itself became a possibility she could no longer tolerate, and at age fourteen she erased it all together. In a ranch house in a Vegas suburb, Golberg's peculiar brand of insomnia lives alongside an ailing father, a professor on permanent leave from the local university. Her mother has moved out, her older brother has gone to college, and she is alone with the night, resisting the fundamental unit by which we measure our lives: the next day itself. Startling, poignant, and harrowing, Golberg's voice is informed by an eclectic range of interests, from Bruegel to Jung, Loren Eiseley to Marina Tsvetaeva. Equal parts coming-of-age memoir, art history, and philosophical inquiry, My Morningless Mornings is a young person's reckoning with consciousness.
If you're ready to get cerebral while also being hypnotized by prose, this slim memoir is perfect. Golberg writes about isolating herself in the night, rejecting the world's attachment to day. The dark brings on all kinds of meditation on psychology, death, art and what it means to be awake. This might be the ultimate quarantine read." -- Seattle Times? Have you had a reason to avoid the morning? To wish you didn't have to wake up and face your life? For Stefany Anne Golberg, the morning itself became a possibility she could no longer tolerate, and at age fourteen she erased it all together. In a ranch house in a Vegas suburb, Golberg's peculiar brand of insomnia lives alongside an ailing father, a professor on permanent leave from the local university. Her mother has moved out, her older brother has gone to college, and she is alone with the night, resisting the fundamental unit by which we measure our lives: the next day itself. Startling, poignant, and harrowing, Golberg's voice is informed by an eclectic range of interests, from Bruegel to Jung, Loren Eiseley to Marina Tsvetaeva. Equal parts coming-of-age memoir, art history, and philosophical inquiry, My Morningless Mornings is a young person's reckoning with consciousness.