Synopses & Reviews
Captures the essentials of a child's world in a fun foldout format.In this truly innovative and colorful approach to expanding a very young child's world, artist Josie Firmin uses a basic origami fold to create a book whose pages unfold to four times the size of the original. As each page expands, so will vocabularies, as young readers encounter new words and detailed pictures of the world around them. MY WEEK features spreads of daily activitiespreschool fun, a play date, swimming, reading, a party, and more. Josie Firmin's detailed and vivid images offer young children hundreds of pictures to pore over and lots of everyday words to read.
Unfold the pages and see all of the things I do in a week. I go to preschool, play in the park, visit the zoo, and much more! Every day is a fun day!