Synopses & Reviews
Im psyched. Im totally psyched. Im not a loser.Who the hell am I kidding?
Life sucks for Dave Miller—hes broke, girlfriendless, and stuck in a dead-end job. Life sucks harder because his job is night manager at the Last Stop, LAs finest vampire-owned 24-hour convenience store. Daves facing an eternity of turning the hot dogs and installing pork cracklins displays for Radu, his crappy boss and Vampire Master. Its bad enough that Dave is clinging to his days as a vegetarian by refusing to feed off of humans, leaving him weak as a kitten and so not capable of superhuman feats of strength. But when he finds himself competing with psychotic surfer-vamp Wes for the affections of Rosa, a beautiful mortal with a romantic fixation on the dark side, life is about as sucky as it can possibly get.
Review in 29th January 2008 School Library Journal BlogI don't normally review teen. But YA good graphic novels get a pass.
A person could be forgiven for getting tired of vampires. Is it fair to say that theyve been "done"? From the Twilight series to Buffy to whatever vampire-related dreck we see next you sometimes just wanna grab the creators and say, "ALL RIGHT! FINE! I GET IT! IT'S A METAPHOR! CAN WE MOVE ON ALREADY???" I think we're finally reaching that phase where people start looking beyond vampire for their supernatural thrills (Zombies: This year's vampires) and in my own personal life I was prepared to never ever read another frickin' vampire novel again. So when someone at First Second handed me a copy of Life Sucks I was so not interested. Not not not. I wanted to yell, "Booooooooring!" at them and hand the novel to the first graphic novel-inclined soul I met. But that night I made a huge step backwards in my campaign against reading any more vamplit. I read a page or two. Then three. Then before I knew it I was reading the entire book, it was 2 a.m., and I couldn't stop. In fact, as I am writing this review I just attempted to read a page or two to pinpoint why this was and the next thing I knew I was on page fifteen. Life Sucks takes that old tired vampire idea, places it under ugly fluorescent lights and their dead end jobs and somehow the combination is electric. For even the most vamped out amongst us, Life Sucks offers something fresh and new.
Dave works the night shift at the Last Stop corner mart and his life is going nowhere. Literally. I mean, Dave's a vampire (can you say "worst job interview ever"?) and his master/boss happens to be Radu, a manager who likes to use terms like "team player" and "culinary instinct". If it weren't for Rosa he might just do himself in. Rosa's one of those girls, living girls, with a penchant for the Gothic. She fancies guys in capes with fake pointy teeth. Dave's got the real thing in his own mouth, but being strictly a vegetarian (blood from a can and he does NOT want to know where it comes from) he'd rather she didn't know about his dark side. That's all well and good until Wes, a surfer vamp with the same master as Dave, shows an interest in Rosa and makes a bet to make her his without the use of his powers. When Rosa suspects something is afoot, however, Dave has to make a couple sacrifices of his own to keep her safe.
An uninitiated reader unfamiliar with the graphic novel genre might pooh-pooh the notion of there being great writing in comic books. There's a perception out there that for a book to contain both pictures and words, both the words and the pictures are rendered less worthy through the combination. As if pictures destroy the worthiness of the text and dumb it down. Aside from this being an outdated and, let's admit it, old-fashioned view of the graphic format, I have to admit that when I read a book like Life Sucks and find the writing to be superb, I still feel that telltale twinge of surprise. Somewhere deep down inside of me there's this part that is surprised every single time I pick up a graphic novel and find it great. Author Jessica Abel is a comic book artist who has a YA novel by the name of "Carmina" that is apparently coming out with Harper Collins at some point. On this book she has paired with Brooklyn writer Gabe Soria. Together the two give Life Sucks just the right amounts of mindless drudgery and crazy fantasy.
Equating low-paying awful jobs with vampirism and managerial schlock is a pretty good idea. This is illustrated best when Rosa starts telling Dave how she would imagine a vampire's life to be. She doesn't want to hear about the night jobs or the low pay. She imagines "this vast network of dark, beautiful, intellectual, and artistic people, living forever with only the best things, the best food, the best clothes, beautiful homes..." This image is paired with the reality that Dave knows of Eastern European vampire immigrants playing poker and smoking over a card table at night. You can understand Rosa's desire to get away from L.A., but it's clear that vampirism just makes it worse, not better.
The moral issues attached to being a vampire get some examination here, but Abel and Soria have to fudge a bit to make them work. Dave doesn't eat people (much to the other vampires' chagrin) and he doesn't turn people into vampires either. His friend Jerome eats people with impunity and still comes off as a pretty decent guy, which is an interesting dynamic. I guess that if your book has comic elements you can get away with the funny guy killing folk, but it's still pretty weird. The nice thing is that the authors are consistent with the character of Dave, giving the ending of the book a sad/funny take. Dave has compromised himself morally to save someone he loves. And this reveal is delivered in a humorous fashion, though there's a sadness to it that fits with the rest of the book. Bleak, but not too bleak.
Warren Pleece was a good artistic pairing for this book. He's done a lot with DC, including The Invisibles and Hellblazer. He has a style that works for this storyline. For the most part the book is concerned with real people and their real lives. And sure, once in a while someone gets their head ripped off, but generally Pleece has a good feel for that skinny guy who's always the girl's best friend but somehow never manages to turn that into becoming the girl's BOYfriend. He has a great cast of instantly recognizable characters (that's always important to me) and I loved the shifting perspectives. I enjoyed the colors too, but that work is done by First Second's residential colorist Hilary Sycamore (doing everything from Laika to Missouri Boy) so he doesn't get credit for that.
There was once an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer where Buffy encountered a group of high school students with idealized views of what it would be like to hang out with and become vampires. Abel and Soria take a similar idea, but in their hands it's a story of what it's like to be in your mid-twenties without a clue about where you're going or who you want to be. You feel powerless next to the jerkwad manager of your minimum wage job, like you couldn't leave if you wanted to. So it's either climb the ladder or stay where you are. That kind of hopelessness and limbo comes through loud and clear in Life Sucks and somehow ends up a fascinating, thoughtful read. A great addition to First Second's literary catalog.Review in March 15th 2008 issue of Booklist
Daves life is full of the typical twenty-something frustrations. His job as night manager at the local Last Stop convenience store is retail hell. Rosa, the cute goth girl he has a crush on, doesnt even know he exists. And oh, yeah, his boss, Vlad, turned him into a vampire to make him a better employee. When Wes, his bully of a vampire-older-brother, steps in as rival for Rosas affections, his sucky life gets suckier. Dave, the vampire equivalent of a vegetarian (he only eats plasma from the blood-bank), has to find some way to outsmart Wes evil plans. This hilarious tale strikes perilously close to the reality of the slacker twenty-something life. Abel and Soria hit their mark with plenty of attitude and just enough snark to let their characters come to life. Warren Pleeces art marvelously captures the humor of the mundane that lend the books crew of late-night wage-slave vamps believability and energy. A really fun read! —Tina Coleman
Publishers Weekly
Dave is a poor vampire, working the night shift at the 24-hour convenience store run by his vampire master, Lord Radu Arisztidescu, who thinks Dave is pretty much a wuss as a bloodsucker. Truth is, Dave would rather steal his nutrition from a blood bank than kill the innocent. But this choice leaves him weak and vulnerable to more predatory types like alpha-vampire surfer dude Wes, who's making a move on Rosa, the Latina gothic babe Dave has his eye on. There's plenty of humor with Dave's friend Jerome acting as a Clerks-like foil, coming over to Dave's work at night when the black-eyeliner crowd comes by ("the Running of the Goths"). Life Sucks also gets a good deal of mileage out of the ironic distance between the romantic visions that Rosa and her mortal crowd have of the vampire lifestyle and the grimy reality of Dave's life as an eternal wage slave. Even if it doesn't pan out satisfactorily (the conclusion seems particularly truncated), Abel and Soria's light approach, combined with Pleece's bright, Technicolor art, gives the book an entertaining Joss Whedon gloss to its Gen-Y bloodsucking melodrama.Excerpt from an article originally published in February 26th 2008 PW Comics Week
"Life Sucks . . . puts a new spin on well-worn vampire mythology. Partnering on the script, Abel and Soria crafted a story that includes many of the tropes of vampire stories—blood sucking, weakness to sunlight, immortality—but uses them in unconventional ways."
Five Star Review in ICv2 Graphic Novel Guide
Life is tough for Dave Miller, and the fact that it will never, ever end does nothing to cheer him up. Two years ago, Dave was turned into a vampire, and now hes stuck working as an assistant manager in charge of the night shift at a local Los Angeles convenience store. To make matters worse, Daves in love with Rosa, a goth girl with an unhealthy attraction for all things dark and otherworldly, which includes her having a crush on Dracula-wannabe Alistair. Normally, a poseur like Alistair wouldnt be much competition for an actual vampire, except that Dave is a vegetarian. Poor Dave. But when Rosa catches the eye of Wes, a psychotic undead surfer, can Dave get it together fast enough to save the girl before the sun comes up?
Ranging from angst-filled Anne Rice vamps to the quirky banterful Josh Whedon types, vampire stories abound. This story balances squarely between the two extremes, with moments of grass-is-always-greener wistfulness, as Rosa compares her life to the dark romantic life she imagines all “children of the night” have, alongside moments of pure comedy, as Daves friends help him strategize ways to meet up with Rosa. Best of all is the care the authors have taken in creating the world Dave and Rosa live in. Having thought of everything, from why a vampire master would want to create new slaves to what kind of snack foods a vampire might eat at a poker party, each detail helps brings the story to life and make it more plausible. The authors dont wimp out on the ending, either, choosing instead to go with a more difficult, more believable conclusion than the reader might expect. Perfectly appropriate for older teens and adults, this book will appeal to fans of vampires, of coming of age stories, as well as those who love Kevin Smiths movie Clerks. - Eva Volin
Life Sucks takes that old tired vampire idea, places it under ugly fluorescent lights and their dead end jobs and somehow the combination is electric. For even the most vamped out amongst us,
Life Sucks offers something fresh and new. . . . a fascinating, thoughtful read.”—
School Library Journal Blog
“This hilarious tale strikes perilously close to the reality of the slacker twenty-something life. Abel and Soria hit their mark with plenty of attitude and just enough snark to let their characters come to life. Warren Pleeces art marvelously captures the humor of the mundane that lend the books crew of late-night wage-slave vamps believability and energy. A really fun read!”—Booklist
“Perfectly appropriate for older teens and adults, this book will appeal to fans of vampires, of coming of age stories, as well as those who love Kevin Smiths movie Clerks.”—Five Star Review in ICv2 Graphic Novel Guide “Theres plenty of humor with Daves friend Jerome acting as a Clerks-like foil. . . . Abel and Sorias light approach, combined with Pleeces bright, Technicolor art, gives the book an entertaining Joss Whedon gloss to its Gen-Y bloodsucking melodrama.”—Publishers Weekly
Life Sucks takes that old tired vampire idea, places it under ugly fluorescent lights and their dead end jobs and somehow the combination is electric. For even the most vamped out amongst us,
Life Sucks offers something fresh and new. . . . a fascinating, thoughtful read.”—
School Library Journal Blog
“This hilarious tale strikes perilously close to the reality of the slacker twenty-something life. Abel and Soria hit their mark with plenty of attitude and just enough snark to let their characters come to life. Warren Pleeces art marvelously captures the humor of the mundane that lend the books crew of late-night wage-slave vamps believability and energy. A really fun read!”—Booklist
“Perfectly appropriate for older teens and adults, this book will appeal to fans of vampires, of coming of age stories, as well as those who love Kevin Smiths movie Clerks.”—Five Star Review in ICv2 Graphic Novel Guide “Theres plenty of humor with Daves friend Jerome acting as a Clerks-like foil. . . . Abel and Sorias light approach, combined with Pleeces bright, Technicolor art, gives the book an entertaining Joss Whedon gloss to its Gen-Y bloodsucking melodrama.”—Publishers Weekly
Life sucks for Dave Marshall.
The girl hes in love with doesnt know he exists, he hates his job, and ever since his boss turned him into a vampire, he cant go out in daylight without starting to charbroil.
Undead life in its uncoolest incarnation yet is on display in this cinematic, supernatural drama told with gallons of humor and hemoglobin. In striking, colorful, B-movie sty;e artwork and light-hearted, intelligent writing by Jessica Abel, Gabe Soria, and Warren Pleece, Dave Marshalls story comes alive - in a vampiric kind of way.
The graveyard shift at a convenience store is a dead end.
Who better to work it than a vampire?
About the Author
Life Sucks was written by Jessica Abel and Gabe Soria, with art by Warren Pleece. JESSICA ABEL is one of the foremost female comics creators in the industry. She and her husband teach courses on creating comics at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and have co-written the textbook based on their classes, Drawing Words and Writing Pictures, available from First Second. GABE SORIA is a Brooklyn-based music journalist and has written Batman Adventures. WARREN PLEECE is a British comics artist who has worked on numerous projects, including The Invisibles and Hellblazer.