Synopses & Reviews
It is 1976. In a tavern in the Point Saint Charles working class district of Montreal, three friends gather on their lunch hour and reminisce about the past. They are survivors of a decade. One is Jerry Nines, a writer who has had some success, having written a novel and a hit play. The others are Jackie Robinson and Frank Saladini, old friends of Jerrys from the Point. They work in a warehouse across the street. During the course of their reunion, Jackie leaves his truck parked at the loading dock of the warehouse and fights the foreman, actions which precipitate a workers sit-down strike which David Fennario uses as a demand for workers control of industry.
Cast of nine men.
"Restores ones faith in theatre as a medium of continuing vitality and relevance."
Southam News Service
Working-class survivors of the 1960s stage a workers sit-down strike. Cast of 9 men.
About the Author
David FennarioAnglophone playwright born David Wiper in Montreal, Quebec, 1947. He was raised in the working class district of Pointe-St-Charles, an area he would make the centre of most of his plays.