Synopses & Reviews
A book-length exploration of the role of online chat in supporting the teaching and learning of foreign languages is well overdue. Tudini's new book takes a Conversation Analysis approach, which is new to online Second Language Acquisition. It provides observable, previously undocumented insights into how native speakers and learners pursue the learning of foreign language and culture during online text chat.
It looks at dyadic chat between native speakers and learners, with examples drawn from a corpus featuring 133 learners and 584 native speakers of Italian. This unique book contributes to our understanding of how conversation in a foreign language unfolds between native speakers and learners in an online social environment, rather than in the classroom.
It will be of interest to researchers in second language acquisition and conversation analysis, as well as language teachers.
Conversation analysis based exploration of the role of online chat in supporting the teaching and learning of foreign languages
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements \ List of Abbreviations \ 1. Introduction: online intercultural talk-in-interaction \ 2. Towards a definition of online intercultural chat: insights from SLA \ 3. Turn-taking, adjacency pairs and sequencing \ 4. Conversational repair in online intercultural chat: initiation and resolution by self or other \ 5. Other-repair in online intercultural chat: when native speakers do correction \ 6. Mitigation and play in repair sequences: native speakers and learners constructing intersubjectivity \ 7. Insights from unsuccessful repair sequences \ 8. Implications for SLA research and language teaching \ 9. Integrating online chat in foreign language programs: suggestions and resources \ Appendix 1. Full extended chat session of one native speaker-learner dyad including papaveri sequence \ Appendix 2. Complete brief multiple chat sessions of one learner, including sono andata sopra sequence \ Appendix 3. Instructions on how to access Facebook chat \ Bibliography \ Index