Synopses & Reviews
Every Windows user has spent hours trying to figure out ways to optimize system performance. And each of those same users has most likely been frustrated by that process. Understanding Win 9x and tuning it to be more efficient, whether for desktop applications or video-intensive games, can be very time-consuming.This book gives you the tips and tricks you'll need to make your system run faster than ever before, and you won't find them in any Windows documentation. Do you really need Internet Explorer? Can you use an alternative shell that will give you a better Windows experience? Maybe you're wondering if you need a hardware upgrade or if you can tweak your existing system to work faster instead and save you a lot of unnecessary expense? Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia will answer these questions and save you wasted hours of searching and experimenting on your own computer to find the practical solutions you're looking for.This book covers:
- General concepts of conserving memory and CPU cycles, processor speed, and disk optimization
- Speeding application launch times
- Utilities bundles and which one is right for fine-tuning your system
- Benefits of partitioning your drive and what tools you need to do it
- What to look for in uninstallers and how to use this valuable maintenance tool strategically
- Replacement Windows shells like Program Manager and freeware shells like EVWM and LiteStep
- Optimizing DOS sessions and Dial-up networking
You may find other books that teach you how to be more productive with the user interface, but they don't talk much about system optimization. Whether you use your computer in a home or office for business or games, with
Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia you won't need to dig through hundreds of pages to come up with a small handful of tips. This book does that work for you and presents it in an easily referenced format.If you want to make the most of your time and your computer, this is a book you'll want on your shelf.
Targeted at the home hobbyists and computer game enthusiasts who tinker with PCs, this guide helps readers figure out ways to optimize system performance and answers much-asked questions to save wasted hours of searching and experimenting for practical solutions.
Every Windows user has spent many frustrating hours trying to figure outways to optimize system performance. Understanding Win 9x and tuning itto be more efficient can be very time-consuming. This book gives you the tips and tricks you'll need to make your systemrun faster than ever before, and you won't find them in any Windowsdocumentation. "Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimediawill answer your questions and save you wasted hours of searching andexperimenting on your own computer to find the practical solutions you'relooking for.While other books might teach you how to be more productive with theuser interface, they don't talk much about system optimization. Whetheryou use your computer in a home or office for business or games, with "Optimizing Windows for Games, Graphics and Multimedia you won'tneed to dig through hundreds of pages to come up with a small handful oftips. This book does that work for you and presents it in an easilyreferenced format.
Table of Contents
1. System Optimization Theory
What Makes a Computer Fast?
The Ideal Operating System
Working Within Windows' Limitations
Is My Computer Getting Slower?
What You Can Expect to Get from This Book
Requirements for This Book
Measuring the Improvement
2. First Steps
Check Your Free Disk Space
Lose autoexec.bat and config.sys
Make Sure Your System Is Using 32-bit Drivers
Clean Out Your Startup Group
Optimize Your Swap File
Optimize Your Disk Cache (and Get a UPS!)
Tune the Hidden Windows Disk Cache Settings
Tune Your CD-ROM Caching
Turn Off CD-ROM Autoplay
Optimize Your Multimedia Settings
Turn Off Power Management
Take Down Your Wallpaper
Use Hotkeys Instead of Desktop Icons
Lose the Screen Savers
Lose the System Sounds and Desktop Schemes
Turn Off the Windows 98 Animations
Turn Off Windows 98 Tooltips
Find the Fastest Settings for Your Video Card
Enable Your Hard Drive's DMA Setting
Shrink Your Start Menu
A Primer on Regedit and the Registry
Turn Off Windows 95's Window Animation
Turn Off Pause in Menus
Turn Off Click Here to Begin
Tune Windows 9x to Your Modern CD-ROM Drive
Recover That Wasted CD-ROM Cache Memory
Improve the Windows 9x Server Template Even More
Reduce Filesystem Fragmentation
3. Disk Optimization
Directory Optimization
Taking Care of Fragmentation
Working Within the Physical Limitations of the Disk
Living with FAT
Other Disk Performance Tools
How Much Difference Will This Make?
Getting Rid of Disk Compression
4. Speeding Up the Boot Process
The Boot Process Explained
Speeding Up the Boot Process
msdos.sys Options
Wringing That Last Ounce of Speed from msdos.sys
Speeding Up autoexec.bat
Getting By with Less in Your Startup Group
Speeding Up POST
Compacting the Registry
5. Utilities
What Tools You Need and How to Use Them
Should I Upgrade to Windows 98?
The Big Three Utilities Suites
Uninstallation Programs
Anti-Virus Software
Freeware and Shareware Utilities
6. Replacement Windows Shells
Program Manager
7. Optimizing DOS
Try It
"Insufficient Memory?" I Have 64 Megs!
When DOS Programs Are Sluggish
Running DOS Programs in DOS Mode
A Pseudo-Dual Boot
Dual-Booting Windows 9x and True DOS
Tweaks You'll Want Even If You Never Run DOS Software
What to Do When DOS Games Run Too Fast
Putting It into Practice
Running DOS Games from a RAM Disk
8. Modems and the Internet
Idealistic General Principles
Finding Your Modem and Optimizing Your Port Speed
Optimizing Your Port
So What's This UART Business?
A Bit of Low-Tech: Your Phone Connection
Download the Newest Drivers for Your Modem
Tune Your Connection via Software
Speed Up DNS Lookups
Lose the Ads Altogether
Preloading and Caching Utilities
Taking Full Control of Your Internet Connection
The Value of Free Software
Which Web Browser Should I Use?
Tune Your Web Browser
9. Home Networking
Using Networks to Save Disk Space
Some Networking Tips
10. Clean Windows Installation
First Steps with Windows 95
Hacking Out MSN and the Exchange Client
OSR2.x's Excess Baggage
Installing Windows 98
Installing Windows 98 Without Internet Explorer
[_TOC-A_] Removing Internet Explorer from an Existing
Windows 98 Installation 197
Installing Device Drivers
Performing the Installation
Post-Installation Magic
Stupid Installation Tricks
Multi-Booting Windows 95 and 98
11. RAM Disks
Advantages of RAM Disks
Special Considerations for Windows 98 and RAM Disks
12. Hardware Upgrades
Prudence in Hardware Upgrades
Realistic Memory Requirements
Video Cards
The PCI Bus
Straight Talk on CPU Upgrades
CD-ROM and DVD Drives
External Removable-Media Drives
Input Devices
Buying New Systems
What Do I Do with This Old 486?
Appendix: Useful Web Resources