Synopses & Reviews
Paulo Freire's critical pedagogy has had a profound influence on contemporary progressive educators around the globe as they endeavor to rethink education for liberation and the creation of more humane global society. For Freire, maintaining a sense of historicity, that is, the origins from which our thinking and practice emerges, is essential to understanding and practicing education as a means for liberation. Too often, however, critical pedagogy is presented as a monolithic philosophy, and the historical and intellectual roots of critical pedagogy are submerged. Through a compilation of essays written by leading and emerging scholars of critical pedagogy, this text brings history into the present and keeps Paulo's intellectual roots alive in all of us as we develop our praxis today.
About the Author
Dr. Robert Lake is an Associate Professor at Georgia Southern University, US and teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in multicultural education from both a local and global perspective.
Dr. Tricia M. Kress is an Assistant Professor in the Leadership in Urban Schools doctoral program at the University of Massachusetts Boston, US. She received her Ph.D. in Urban Education from the Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Table of Contents
AcknowledgementsPrologue: The Fruit of Freires Roots
by Henry GirouxIntroduction: Pedagogy is Not a Teaching Method
by Stanley AronowitzContradiction, Consciousness and Generative Words: Hegels Roots in Freires Work
by Andy BlundenA Dialogue between Marx and Freire
by Tricia Kress and Robert LakeThe Gramscian Influence
by Peter MayoRethinking Freires “Oppressed”: A “Southern” Route to Habermass Communicative Turn and Theory of Deliberative Democracy
by Raymond Morrow Freire, Buber, and Care Ethics on Dialogue in Teaching
by Nel NoddingsConverging Self/ Other Awareness: Erich Fromm and Paulo Freire on Transcending the Fear of Freedom
by Robert Lake and Vicki Dagastino Liberation Theology and Paulo Freire: Critical Hope not Ressentiment
by William ReynoldsLiving within the Tensions: Freire's Praxis in a High Stakes World
by Melissa Winchell and Tricia KressRoots of Conscientizaço
by Ana CruzRed-ing the Word, Red-ing the World
by Sandy GrandeEpilogue : Freires Roots in His Own Words
by Paulo Freire Afterword
by Peter McLaren