Synopses & Reviews
This helpful handbook provides solid, detailed guidelines for implementing and sustaining schoolwide positive behavior interventions and supports. Full of engaging anecdotes from expert PBIS coaches, this comprehensive resource helps PBIS teams overcome the obstacles of staff buy-in and offers solutions for sustaining a successful program at your school. Customizable forms, checklists, and graphic organizers will help chart, manage, and interpret data with ease. Positive school climates are not achieved through suspensions, detentions, calls to parents, or visits to the principal’s office. Rather, lasting change is achieved through collective analysis and data-driven decision making. Downloadable digital content includes a PDF presentation and customizable forms from the book.
“The PBIS Team Handbook is the new go-to guide for PBIS coaches and administrators. It not only gives you step-by-step instructions on how to fully and successfully implement the program in your building, but it also breaks it down and humanizes the process. It provides many practical forms that can be used by PBIS teams and coaches. The handbook makes you think of not only the impact on your students, but also the impact on members of your team and teachers and staff in your building. This is a must-read—no matter what stage you are at in PBIS implementation.”—Cristina Dobon, district PBIS coordinator, Western Placer Unified School District in Lincoln, California
“This book is a very accessible summary of the process of implementing and sustaining schoolwide PBIS. It addresses the best practices in PBIS from the perspective of people who have been involved with it on the ground level and who are willing to offer advice on issues that implementers often face. Teachers and others involved in implementation will find the insights of the authors helpful as they undertake their own journey to support meaningful behavioral outcomes for students. A must-have for PBIS team members in schools.”—Kevin J. Filter, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology, Minnesota State University, Mankato
“Changing behaviors in students can be difficult; however, changing the way adults view those behaviors is a challenge. This book takes teams through a step-by-step process that not only implements but also provides the tools needed to sustain a schoolwide behavioral support system in order to build an environment in which teachers can teach and students can learn.”—Amy Piotrowski, special education coordinator at Chanhassen Elementary, Chaska Middle School East, and Integrated Arts Academy
“As a districtwide PBIS coach, I don’t know how many times I wished for a condensed manual to guide me through the process of working with the fourteen buildings on my team. Each building was at a different place with implementation, some just starting and several were four years in. It can be a challenge to meet such varying needs. The PBIS Team Handbook is a lifesaver for both newbies and veterans.”—Katy Cummins-Bakko, district PBIS coach, Robbinsdale Area Schools
About the Author
Beth Baker, M.S.Ed., is an independent behavioral consultant and an intervention specialist at Minneapolis Public Schools where she works to create positive behavioral environments for elementary students. She was formerly the lead PBIS coach for a school district in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, as well as a special educator for many years, working with students who have emotional behavioral disability (EBD) needs. Beth lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Char Ryan, Ph.D., is a PBIS coach, evaluation specialist, and Minnesota State SWIS (Schoolwide Information Systems) trainer. She is also a licensed psychologist and consultant with the Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health. Formerly, Char was an assistant professor at Saint Cloud State University and state PBIS coordinator at the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning. She is a frequent conference presenter and has been published in numerous journals, including Psychology in the Schools. Char lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.