Synopses & Reviews
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In this book, Erickson analyzes of how the politics of fear operate, to outline one possible response to the intentionally paralyzing logic of fear.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction: The Politics of Fear Retracting the "Intractable" Security, Speech Acts, and the Shield of Achilles Summary: Plotting the CourseChapter 2. The God of Fire's Gift: The Shield of Achilles and the Logic of Fear The 30 Second Iliad The Shield of Achilles The Arms of Agamemnon Beauty, Hope and Fear Sarpedon's Body The Shield in a Modern Context Achilles and Priam: Setting Aside the ShieldChapter 3. Unheeded Warnings Sophocles Ajax Philoctetes Thucydides: The Shield in Athenian Hands Machiavelli: The Prince as Shield BearerChapter 4. Mimesis as Resistance Shields and Rings: Plato Against the Poets Plato as a Poet Plato as a Shield BearerChapter 5. What Begins With Cratylus, Leads to Baudrillard The Shield as Simulacrum The Spirit of Terrorism "Hyperrealist Abjection" or The Shield of Baudrillard Perseus, Plato, BaudrillardChapter 6. Life as Literature: Politics as Poetics Odysseus: Artfulness Above All Else The Homeric Question Nietzsche's Language Nietzsche's View: From High MountainsChapter 7. Ekphrasis as Critique From Perseus to Paris Auerbach: The Insights of Comparative Mimesis Krieger: The Still Mo(ve)ment of Ekphrasis Mitchell: Ekphrastic Hope Becker: Breaking the Illusion Case Study: Obama as Shield BearerChapter 8. ConclusionAPPENDIX A: President Bush's Address to a Joint Session of Congress, September 20, 2001APPENDIX B: Remarks by the President on a New Strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, March 27, 2009Bibliography