Synopses & Reviews
Dr. Sylvia Vardell's new children's poetry reference book provides a comprehensive introduction to more than 60 contemporary young people's poets. Focusing primarily on those who are still actively writing today, the author includes poets appropriate for young children through young adults. Each entry features brief biographical information, highlights selected poetry books authored, showcases awards won, notes related Web sites, and provides suggestions for making connections (programming ideas, related books and activities). The book is ideal for librarians who serve children and young adults, as well as for teachers and others who work with children and young adults. Beginning with Arnold Adoff the list of poets is both impressive and informative. A sample: Francisco Alarcon, Aileen Fisher, Douglas Florian, Nikki Giovanni, Kristine O'Connell George, Jane Yolen, Eloise Greenfield, John Ciardi and many more!
"The guide is aimed at librarians and teachers wishing to promote an interest in poetry. Each entry includes a brief biography of the poet, a recommended Web site on their work, and a discussion of their more popular books and poems….This guide lives up to its title and provides educators with a practical approach to introducing the world of poetry to young readers." - Lawrence Looks at Books
"With an emphasis on poets who are actively writing today, this resource for librarians profiles 62 contemporary writers of poetry for young people. Each entry includes brief biographical information on a particular poet, followed by a discussion of his or her work and some programming suggestions. Vardell (library and information studies, Texas Woman's U.) also provides a list of emerging Poets to Watch and supplies URLs for some popular poetry websites." - Reference & Research Book News
"Vardell has created a comprehensive survey of 62 contemporary children's poets. Each of the one- to three-page entries begins with a brief biography and includes Web sites, bibliographies, suggestions for use and reading of specific poems, plus connections to other children's literature….The valuable appendixes include promotion activities, a caldendar of poets' birthdays, awards the different writers have won, and a bibliography of poems about libraries and reading. This book will be welcomed by all adults interested in connecting children with poetry." - School Library Journal
The guide is aimed at librarians and teachers wishing to promote an interest in poetry. Each entry includes a brief biography of the poet, a recommended Web site on their work, and a discussion of their more popular books and poems....This guide lives up to its title and provides educators with a practical approach to introducing the world of poetry to young readers.Lawrence Looks at Books
"Often considered literature for older readers, poetry has been one of the most neglected genres for the younger reader, even in the classroom. This helpful resource provides appealing curricular information for even the most reluctant and skeptical teacher….In providing a wealth of contemporary children's poetry resources for today's educator, this comprehensive guide is a must in every school and curriculum library." - American Reference Books Annual
"Vardell has created a most important poetry treasury. Every public and school library should have at least a few copies of this readable, useful, not-to-be-missed resource. This is a reference volume that will leap from shelves." < p="">Lee Bennett Hopkins <>
Providing a complete reference source for information concerning more than 60 children's poets, this new title will be invaluable to school and public librarians.
About the Author
SYLVIA M. VARDELL is Professor, Literature for Children and Young Adults, School of Library and Information Studies, Texas Woman's University, Denton, Texas.
Table of Contents
The Poet Profiles
Arnold Adoff
Francisco X. Alarcon
Kathi Appelt
Brod Bagert
Calef Brown
Deborah Chandra
John Ciardi
Kalli Dakos
Rebecca Kai Dotlich
Barbara Esbensen
Aileen Fisher
Paul Fleischman
Ralph Fletcher
Douglas Florian
Helen Frost
Kristine O'Connell George
Nikki Giovanni
Joan Bransfield Graham
Eloise Greenfield
Nikki Grimes
Monica Gunning
Avis Harley
David Harrison
Georgia Heard
Juan Felipe Herrera
Anna Grossnickle Hines
Mary Ann Hoberman
Sara Holbrook
Lee Bennett Hopkins
Paul Janeczko
Bobbi Katz
X. J. Kennedy
Karla Kuskin
Dennis Lee
Constance Levy
J. Patrick Lewis
Myra Cohn Livingston
Michio Mado
David McCord
Eve Merriam
Lillian Moore
Pat Mora
Lillian Morrison
Naomi Shihab Nye
Mary O'Neill
Jose-Luis Orozco
Jack Prelutsky
Alice Schertle
Carol Diggory Shields
Joyce Sidman
Diane Siebert
Shel Silverstein
Marilyn Singer
Charles R. Smith Jr.
Gary Soto
Joyce Carol Thomas
Judith Viorst
Carole Boston Weatherford
Nancy Willard
Janet Wong
Valerie Worth
Jane Yolen
More Poets
Awards for Poetry for Young People
Calendar of Poet Birthdays
Poet Promotion Activities
How to Share Poetry
Poet Biographies, Autobiographies and Memoirs
Popular Poetry Web Sites
Poetry Anthologies
Poems About Libraries and Reading
Poetry Practices Checklist