Synopses & Reviews
From tax and household registers, law codes, and other primary sources, as well as recent Japanese sources, William Wayne Farris has developed the first systematic, scientific analysis of early Japanese population, including the role of disease in economic development. This work provides a comprehensive study of land clearance, agricultural technology, and rural settlement. The function and nature of
ritsuryō institutions are reinterpreted within the revised demographic and economic setting.
Farris's text is illustrated with maps, population pyramids for five localities, and photographs and translations of portions of tax and household registers, which throw further light on the demography and economy of Japan in the seventh, eighth, and ninth centuries.
This [book] is based on an impressively wide and careful study of the official histories, extant administrative and fiscal documents, and extensive modern Japanese scholarship in such fields as economic history and archaeology. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
W. Wayne Farris has developed the first systematic analysis of early Japanese population, the role of disease in economic development, and the impact of agricultural technology and practices. In doing so, he reinterprets the nature of ritsuryō institutions.
About the Author
Table of Contents
Chronological List of Translated Court Orders
Population and Agriculture before 645
Establishment of the Ritsuryō State
1. Fertility, Mortality, and Life Expectancy in the Early Eighth Century
Population Registration in East Asian History
Census-Taking in the Law Codes
Selection of the Population Data
Appraising the Quality of the Data
Adjusting the Data
Application of Stable Population Analysis
Fertility, Mortality, and Life Expectancy in Early Japan
2. Population Trends and Epidemic Disease
The Nature of the Evidence
The Arrival and Initial Ravages of the Disease
The Epidemic at Its Height
Government Medical Policy and Identification of the Disease
Mortality in the Great Epidemic
Other Epidemics in the Ritsuryō Period
3. Land Clearance
Land Clearance in the Law Codes
Subsequent Legislation
Early Examples of Land Clearance
Early Shōen
Land Clearance in the Early and Middle Heian Period
4. Land Use and Agricultural Technology
Artificially Irrigated Rice Farming
Naturally Irrigated Rice Farming
Dry Fields
Slash-and-Burn Agriculture
The Early Landscape
Land Use and Land Tenure
5. Rural Settlement
Migration in the Law Codes
Government Attempts to Enforce the Codes
Migrants and Their Motives
Rural Settlement Patterns
Settlement Patterns and Local Government