Synopses & Reviews
To think rightly about preaching holiness, we must not only think about what should be said and how it should be said, but we must also think deeply about who is doing the saying.Inspiring the hearts and minds of congregants to embrace the possibility of a holy life is the task of the holiness preacher. Yet we live in an age when a cultural and generational disconnect makes the proclamation of the holiness doctrine and experience especially challenging. Dr. Jeren Rowell believes this disconnect is precisely why the pastoral skill of preaching holiness with clarity and conviction is so important and in need of renewal.In Preaching Holiness, Rowell connects the what and the how of holiness preaching with the who of the preacher's own lived experience of holy transformation. Written for both young and seasoned pastors in a variety of contexts, Preaching Holiness will challenge and inspire you to preach from a heart compelled by authentic love and a deep desire for the people under your spiritual care to experience the life-transforming power of God's perfect love in Christ.