Synopses & Reviews
Everything students need to know to succeed on the AP Calculus BC Exam--now with 33% more practice AP Calculus BC Prep, 2021, previously titled Cracking the AP Calculus BC Exam, provides students with a comprehensive review of all the relevant Calculus BC exam topics they need to cover in order to succeed on the test, including functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, integrals, and polynomial approximations and series. This reflects all the topics covered by the exam, the curriculum structure, and the exam setup and question types.
--now with 66% more practice than previous editions
Ace the AP Calculus AB Exam with this comprehensive study guide, which includes 5 full-length practice tests, content reviews, targeted strategies, and access to online extras.
Techniques That Actually Work.- Tried-and-true strategies to help you avoid traps and beat the test
- Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically
- Essential tactics to help you work smarter, not harder
Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.
- Comprehensive content review for all test topics
- Updated to align with the latest College Board standards
- Engaging activities to help you criticially assess your progress
- Access to study plans, a handy list of formulas, helpful pre-college information, and more via your online Student Tools
Practice Your Way to Excellence.
- 4 full-length practice tests (3 in the book, 1 online) with detailed answer explanations
- Practice drills at the end of each content review chapter
- Handy reference guide of key calculus formulas
Make sure you're studying with the most up-to-date prep materials Look for the newest edition of this title,
The Princeton Review AP Calculus BC Prep, 2022 (ISBN:
9780525570806, on-sale August 2021).
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality or authenticity, and may not include access to online tests or materials included with the original product.