Synopses & Reviews
Revision with unchanged content. The matter of China Sourcing is at present being given little or medium-level pri-ority by many companies. This however is not consistent with the potential which this matter offers with reference to procurement costs and con-se-quent-ly one's own competitive position. In the near future China will advance to become the procurement market par excellence. Today, it already has a large supply base, which in the next few years will lead to China developing in-to one of the most aggressive competitors in the world. This will lead to an in-crease in procurement from China. How-ever, it is misplaced to rush into the "adventure" of procurement in Chi-na. Thorough preparation is necessary to be successful in the Chinese market. Pro-curement in China does not only offer opportunities but it is afflicted by risks and problems. The focus of this book is directed towards 5 important prob-lem areas: a lack of market transparency, difficulty in establishing con-tacts, underdeveloped logistics infrastructure, a lack of product quality, un-u-su-al negotiating strategies. The reader is made sensitive to these problem areas. At the same time, it provides practical advice to overcome these prob-lems and gives purchasers useful information and hints in practical business si-tuations.