Synopses & Reviews
Sexual images saturate today's culture. Because children are being introduced to these images even before they can read, parents need a resource to help them talk to their kids about sex. Unlike any other book on the market, Questions Kids Ask about Sex offers a biblical and comprehensive approach to sexuality. Melissa R. Cox, cocreator of the best-selling Focus on the Family Complete Book of Baby and Child Care, has collaborated with The Medical Institute for Sexual Health to deliver age-appropriate, thoughtful responses to the most flabbergasting questions kids ask about sexual identity, issues, and practices. Tested by educators, physicians, and parents across the country, this resource also offers helpful sidebars, straightforward advice, and empowering affirmation. This is the ideal guide to developing the open, respectful, and effective conversation kids need-and want.
This is the ideal guide to developing open, respectful, and effective conversation that kids need--and want.
BACK COVER Does the thought of having The Talk with your kids put a knot in your stomach and a lump in your throat? Talking about sex doesn't have to be a fear-filled challenge. It can be an incredible opportunity to develop a more meaningful and rewarding relationship with your child. Since sexual images saturate today's culture, children will learn about sex somewhere, but research shows that they want to learn from you. Questions Kids Ask about Sex shows you how to start the conversation. This candid resource is full of the latest information, practical insights, and age-appropriate answers to the questions kids ask about sex. The Medical Institute for Sexual Health provides you with the tools and empowering encouragement you need in order to communicate more effectively about sex, self-control, and self-respect. The key strategies in this book will help you protect your children's future health, hope, and happiness by creating the ongoing, honest dialogue they need-and want. FRONT FLAP Sex isn't a four-letter word. But kids will ask questions. How does a baby get out of Mommy's tummy? When is it okay to kiss my boyfriend? Why should I wait until I'm married to have sex? Are you prepared to answer questions like these? Questions Kids Ask about Sex is a comprehensive guide that will help you comfortably respond to the most bewildering questions your child asks. These age-appropriate answers and practical tools will also help you openly, honestly, and effectively communicate to help your child become a more responsible young adult. Though it sometimes doesn't seem like it, your child is listening. This book helps you to start talking! BACK FLAP Melissa R. Cox is vice president of CoxCreative, Inc., a full-service marketing firm in Denver. She's the former director of marketing and public relations for the Medical Institute for Sexual Health and was editor of Focus on the Family's Physician magazine and managing editor of the best-selling Complete Book of Baby and Child Care. The Medical Institute for Sexual Health. This nonprofit medical organization, based in Austin, Texas, was founded in 1992 to confront the worldwide epidemic of nonmarital pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease with incisive health care data. Driven by medical, educational, and scientific data, the Medical Institute informs and educates medical professionals, educators, government officials, parents, and the media.