Synopses & Reviews
Radar Array Processing presents modern techniques and methods for processingradar signals received by an array of antenna elements. With the recent rapid growth of the technology of hardware for digital signal processing, itis now possible to apply this to radar signals and thus to enlist the full power of sophisticated computational algorithms. Topics covered in detail here include: super-resolution methods of array signal processing as applied to radar, adaptive beam forming for radar, and radar imaging. This book will be of interest to researchers and studentsin the radar community and also in related fields such as sonar, seismology, acoustics and radio astronomy.
Radar Array Processing presents modern techniques and methods for processing radar signals received by an array of antenna elements. The techniques are almost universally relevant to all applications employing arrays of detectors. Thus, besides being of interest to researchers and students in the radar community, this book will also appeal to those in related fields such as sonar, seismology, acoustics and radio astronomy.