Synopses & Reviews
Last year was a disaster for Sean. He'd gotten into more trouble at school than he ever had before. Things were going to be different this year -- they had to be if he was going to be on the basketball team. But minutes before the first bell on the first day, things go wrong. Principal McCully pulls Sean into the office for fighting with David -- a kid in a wheelchair -- even though it was David who started it. Now Sean has to show David around school, or he'll be suspended.
Sean learns a lot from David -- about basketball, friendship, stereotypes, and girls. But there are some things David won't reveal. Why is he always so full of rage? How does he know so much about basketball? And most important, is his dangerous behavior a cry for attention, or is he really trying to get himself killed? David is spinning out of control. Can Sean help him before it is too late?
About the Author
Eric Walters is one of Canadaas most successful writers and prolific writers for teenagers. His novel Shattered recently won the 2007 National Chapter of Canada IODE Violet Downey Award and the 2007 White Pine Award. A former teacher, Eric visits classrooms across the country and he has already spoken to more than 750,000 students.