Synopses & Reviews
In Reloading for Handgunners, the reader will learn the benefits of serious handgun ammunition reloading (decreased cost, increased reliability) in an accessible, step-by-step way. In addition, the reader will learn how to avoid the costly, wasteful errors that plague many reloaders, experienced and novice alike. Finally, the reader will enjoy the vast experience and unique style that have made Patrick Sweeney the country's leading guru on tactical and competition shooting and ammunition.
Features: Shortcuts, hints and tips (from a certified master gunsmith, film consultant, and certified Armorer Instructor) to reload your own ammunition and avoid costly errorsLoading data for the most popular and asked-about calibersSpecialty loading info for: Competition: IPSC/IDPA, Bullseye, Steel Challenge, Cowboy Hunting: heavy magnums and big bores
About the Author
In addition to being Handguns Editor for America's largest general-circulation shooting magazine, Guns & Ammo, Patrick Sweeney is Gun Digest Books best-selling single author. His titles include: The Gun Digest Book of the 1911 Vol. 1 & 2, The Gun Digest Book of the Glock Vol. 1 & 2, The Gun Digest Book of the AR-15 Vol. 1, 2 & 3, Gunsmithing: Rifles, Gunsmithing: Pistols & Revolvers and Gunsmithing the AR-15. Pat is also a certified master gunsmith, film consultant, and certified Armorer Instructor for many police departments nationwide. Patrick Sweeney lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan.