Synopses & Reviews
A comprehensive review is given of the various aspects of rotavirus molecular biology and biology of infection, host responses to infection, andthe prospects for vaccines to control rotavirus disease. The first few chapters review basic aspects of the group A rotaviruses, including chaptersspecifically devoted to the structure of the rotavirion, the structure of the rotavirus genome, and the structure and function of the viral proteins. Viral replication and genetics are discussed in separatechapters. A series of chapters deals with antigenic structure of the virus, the host response to infection, and the pathology and pathophysiology of infection. The information provided in these reviews is applied to the problem of vaccine development in a subsequent chapter. Finally, theclosely related non-group A rotaviruses are discussed and compared to and contrasted with group A rotaviruses. This book will enable readers to examine and evaluate the current state of knowledge about the rotaviruses and rotavirus disease, so that future directions of research and clinical application can be formulated.
"ÄThis bookÜ is as comprehensive as twenty very diligent authors can make it, and the Editors opening chapter will provide an excellent overview for non-specialists." - Epidemiology and Infection