Synopses & Reviews
From a renowned name in A Level history publishing, this is a Questions and Analysis title on a major period in Russian History. With all three exam boards offering modules on this popular subject at A Level, this book is an absolute must-have.
Looking at the many different aspects of the period 1855?1991 that are covered in A Level history, Stephen J. Lee examines and compares:
- the ideologies of Tsarist autocracy and Soviet communism
- parties and opposition to these regimes
- the use of repression and terror
- agriculture
- industry
- the class structure
- the 1917 revolution
- the impact of the First and Second World Wars on Russia.
Key elements of this book include:
- each topic/issue forms a well-structured chapter: background; analysis; sources with questions; worked answers
- a prominent historiography section ? an important element of the new A2 history assessment
- an incorporated A2 synoptic approach that teaches students to draw together their entire range of knowledge and skills to study one topic
- guidance on how to answer the recently-introduced synoptic questions.
Involving the importance of understanding the connections between the essential characteristics of historical study, this key title is the one-stop shop for all history teachers and students.
"Russia 1855-1964" explores all the key aspects of this extremely important period in Russian history. Stephen J. Lee examines and compares the ideologies of Tsarist autocracy and Soviet Communism and the opposition to these regimes. The 1917 revolution, the use of repression and terror by these regimes and the impact of the First and Second World War on Russia are also analyzed.