Synopses & Reviews
After the success of Grievance--which received starred reviews from the top two advance review publications--K. C. Constantine returns with Saving Room for Dessert, as he examines the lives of the patrolmen working the streets of Rocksburg. Beneath the ranks of big shots like Mario Balzic and Rugs Carlucci are regular men--men who don't want to admit they have more in common than not as they share a desire for a better life. Balzic last saw William Rayford in Blood Mud as a mall security rent-a-cop; where he instantly knew he was smarter, quicker, and better than most already in the Rocksburg police department. He brings Rayford to the attention of the hiring committee, and when Rayford passes all requirements with flying colors, he becomes patrolman. But, he still suffers from a case of the Steel City Blues because the town's prejudice will always sting from decades past of scab bitterness--history is one thing, dealing with it is another. The two other cops working Rayford's shift are at different places in their careers. Robert Canoza hopes he can make it to retirement without getting written up again for making another old lady who has locked herself out of her car cry. And Vietnam vet James Reseta has his hands full with a smart-mouthed juvenile, who brings his own 'anger displacement' issues to a head. Like Canoza and Reseta, Rayford is ready for whatever Rocksburg throws his way--even patrol duty in the river flats area known as the "United Nations, " where neighbors can easily turn into enemies. When a long-simmering dispute between two neighbors comes to blows and when another couple meddles in their business, things get fatal for both the neighbors and the cops.
- SAVING ROOM FOR DESSERT was published in Mysterious Press hardcover in 8/02 to much acclaim, including a starred review in "Publishers Weekly.- K.C. Constantine's previous novel, "Grievance (Mysterious Press hardcover, ) was published in 6/00 to stellar praise from "Kirkus Reviews (starred review), "Booklist (starred review), and "Library Journal, among others.- "Blood Mud (Mysterious press hardcover, 1999) also received starred reviews in "Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, and "Booklist, and raves from the "New York Times Book Review and "Philadelphia Inquirer, among others.- K.C. Constantine has written 16 previous novels set in Rocksburg, Pennsylvania, including "Grievance, Blood Mud, Brushback, Family Values, and "Joey's Case, which was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Mystery Novel.