Table of Contents
Mak Dizdar / translations by Francis R. Jones -- Abdulah Sidran / translations by Ted Hughes and John Hartley Williams -- Izet Sarajliâc / translations by Charles Simic -- Dara Sekuliâc / translations by Charles Simic -- Marko Veésoviâc / translations by Chris Agee -- Ilija Ladin / translations by Ken Smith -- Ferida Durakoviâc / translations by Nula Nâi Dhomhnaill -- Rando Sladojeviâc / translations by Harry Clifton -- Hadézem Hajdareviâc / translations by Ruth Padel -- Vojka Djikiâc / translations by Chris Agee -- Hamdija Demiroviâc / translations by Charles Simic - Husein Tahmiéséciâc / translations by John Hartley Williams -- Ivan Kordiâc / translations by David Constantine -- Semezdin Mehmedinoviâc / translations by Kathleen Jamie, Ammiel Alcalay and Ivana Djordjeviâc --New voices: translations by Ammiel Alcalay, Antonela Glaviniâc, Francis R. Jones, Ken Smith, David Wheatley and John Hartley Williams: Igor Klikovac -- Mirsad Sijariâc -- Aneta Benac-Krstiâc -- Damir Ovécina -- Asmir Kujoviâc -- Mustafa Zvivdiâc -- Saésa Skenderija -- Fahrudin Zilkiâc.