Synopses & Reviews
Using innovative methods to analyze both advanced democracies and developing countries, Jason Sorens shows how central governments can alleviate or increase ethnic minority demands for regional autonomy. He argues that when countries treat secession as negotiable and provide legal paths to pursuing it rather than absolutely prohibiting independence, violence is far less likely. Additionally, independence movements encourage government policies of decentralization that may be beneficial to regional minorities. An informative investigation of the root causes of political violence, Secessionism provides a clear-eyed look at independence movements for both governments and secessionists.
"Sorens has provided a rich, detailed, and well-researched accounting of the dynamics of secession. Scholars interested in secession, ethnic conflict, or state behavior in the context of intrastate violence should find this book a desirable waypoint for research projects associated with these topics. Secessionism: Identity, Interest, and Strategy is a useful and needed addition to the literature on intrastate violence by providing a study that captures the unique political, social, and economic factors associated with secession." Robert Brathwaite, Northern Illinois University
"All in all, this book raises an important criticism of the conventional wisdom concerning how governments should deal with the potential for secession, and it asks us to think more critically about the link between the desires of minorities and what they might be induced to settle for short of secession. This is a thought-provoking read for anyone interested in secession." Kathleen Gallagher Cunningham, University of Maryland
There are numerous regions where movements for sovereignty or independence are seen as serious alternatives to the status quo. Quebec, Scotland, Catalonia, and Flanders have followed a generally non-violent, political process, while movements in Kashmir, the Basque Country, Chechnya, and Kurdistan have led to militancy or civil war. Secessionism is the first work to examine why secessionist struggles occur and why some of them become violent, while offering constructive suggestions for keeping the peace in contested regions.
There are numerous regions where movements for sovereignty or independence are seen as serious alternatives to the status quo. Quebec, Scotland, Catalonia, and Flanders have followed a generally non-violent, political process, while movements in Kashmir,
About the Author
Jason Sorens is assistant professor of political science at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.