Synopses & Reviews
While evoking an atmosphere of landscape and memory with sparseness and subtlety, this collection of poems progresses from public to private historyfrom the foreign and exotic to the familiar and domestic, exploring both death and life.
Alison Brackenbury's ballads for the modern world sing with a truth and directness that reach back through Edward Thomas and John Clare to the English folk-tradition itself. There are poems about birds and animals, the ancient rhythms of weather, landscape and season. The modern world is held in balance: terrorism, foreign war and domestic tension.
At the centre of Singing in the Dark are lyrics from Alison Brackenbury's radio poems, from Edward Thomas' army songs to Nick Drake's guitar, Alison Brackenbury's book offers music for dark times.
About the Author
Alison Brackenbury is a recipient of the Cholmondeley Award. Her previous collections include
After Beethoven and
Bricks and Ballads.