Synopses & Reviews
Indispensable Guide to Nearly 200 years of U.S. Currency
The Standard Catalog of(R) United States Paper Money is the most comprehensive catalog devoted to United States federal currency issues. You will find concise descriptions, fabulous color images and current market values in up to four condition grades for: Large and Small Size CurrencySilver and Gold CertificatesNational Bank Notes by StatePre-Civil War Treasury NotesEncased Postage Stamps and Postage Stamp EnvelopesFractional CurrencyMilitary Payment CertificatesU.S. Administration of the PhilippinesArranged by denomination for easy use, this 29th edition includes high quality photographs, a detailed grading guide and an easy to follow how-to guide. No other U.S. paper money guide comes close to the amount of information found between these two covers.
The Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money is the only annual guide that provides complete coverage of U.S. Currency with today's market prices and presented in full color.his is the essential guide for U.S. paper money collectors, researchers, estate planners, investors and historians.