Synopses & Reviews
F.G. Baileys classic political-anthropology text is reissued here with a Postscript that comments critically on the books scope, its reception, and its uses. First published in 1969, Stratagems and Spoils captured the imagination of scholars and students with a revealing examination of principles of political competition that operate alike in exotic” and developed” societies. In Baileys analysis, Swat Pathan chiefs, cosa nostra gangsters, General de Gaulle, and the Untouchables in a rural Indian village (for example) are shown employing similar strategies, both effective and ineffective, to win and hold followers while eroding the support of their opponents. Provocative and insightful, Stratagems and Spoils provides a conceptual toolkit for analyzing, in any culture, the rules that regulate political contests and determine who will win and who will lose.
"F.G. Baileys classic political-anthropology text is reissued here with a Postscript that comments critically on the books scope, its reception, and its uses. First published in 1969, Stratagems and"
About the Author
F. G. Bailey is professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of California, San Diego. He is the author of fifteen books, the most recent being Treasons, Stratagems, and Spoils (Westview, 2001), a companion volume and sequel to Stratagems and Spoils.