Synopses & Reviews
Gothic Romance. What is Gothic Romance? It is real life in its extremes. Most everyone's life has in their life sometimes intense emotion, reason, and spiritual experiences, violence, fear and even terror. There is love found, lost, and regained. There is family, marriage, work, travel, and dreams. Gothic Romance is my favorite because it is our life and yours. We all can learn from it. We can vicariously experience its triumphs and tragedies. Welcome to Gothic Romance or did I say our life?Susie is a voluptuous virgin with extraordinarily physical endowments. Her pure personality of spirit, intellect, and emotions are as beautiful as the promise itself. She is winsome but self-willed. Will Susie hear the Call, make a full commitment to love the Divine more than anyone or anything and enjoy His daily Shepherding and Blessing, or try to manage her life with satan always having the last word? Can Susie ever get his foot off her neck? Her hero soulmate Jim is divided between his loyalty to Church ministry and his deep love for Susie. Does he compromise his even deeper love for Church ministry and finally include Susie in his life? Will Jim ever find a way to trust Susie with his heart more than his Church work? Jim fully opens Susie's heart to her dream of love then hesitates to commit. Susie leaves for sweet revenge using Tom, a notorious womanizer, that she allows and encourages to seduce her. There is unexpected life damage. Will, she ever come back and will Jim even want her back with a baby not his? Jim realizes his failure and wants to marry. Susie and Jim, commit and marry. His promise to love Susie more than his work fails. He still wants to be all things to all people. Against Jim wishes Susie goes on a vacation trip with friends to South Padre Island and is kidnapped. The ransom is so high. Jim can never pay it. How will he ever get her back and at what cost from other men who might pay the ransom for her favor? Her kidnapper, a charming Mexican bandit, teachers her things about love that may destroy her marriage to Jim. Can she hold out? Her second baby is on the way, but who is the father? Is this too much or will true love win and hold them together better than ever before?