Synopses & Reviews
Language is a window into the soul of a culture. The hardest part for newcomers who want to master American English is not learning the alphabet, grammar, or vocabulary -- it's learning American idiosyncrasies. Learning to write well in American English ultimately entails understanding the way Americans approach the world.
This book is aimed at non-native speakers who come to the United States to study, as well as international business and legal professionals who have to work and communicate with Americans in a professional or business context. Understanding what makes Americans uniquely "American" is a challenging subject for anyone to master. Such characteristics are always in flux and a source of constant debate -- particularly now, at a moment in the nation's history when the country is so divided. For that reason, this book may also be of interest to Americans, offering a deeper understanding of the ties that bind rather than divide.
Language is a window into the soul of a culture. The hardest part for newcomers who want to master American English is not learning the alphabet, grammar, or vocabulary -- it's understanding the distinctive way Americans approach the world. This book shows readers how to do just that. The American Way of Writing guides readers through the nuances of American English, providing a toolkit for non-native speakers who come to the United States to study, as well as international business and legal professionals who have to work and communicate with Americans in a professional or business context.
Understanding what makes Americans uniquely "American" is a challenging subject for anyone to master. Such characteristics are always in flux and a source of constant debate. Steven D. Stark's comprehensive approach to American English in The American Way of Writing is suited to Americans and foreigners alike, offering a deeper understanding of the ties that bind rather than divide.
Explains the uniquely American cultural references that appear in American English for students and professionals to increase their written command of the language.
Language is a window into the soul of a culture. The hardest part for newcomers who want to master American English is not learning the alphabet, grammar, or vocabulary -- it's understanding the distinctive way Americans approach the world. This book shows readers how to do just that. The American Way of Writing guides readers through the nuances of American English, providing a toolkit for non-native speakers who come to the United States to study, as well as international business and legal professionals who have to work and communicate with Americans in a professional or business context.
Understanding what makes Americans uniquely "American" is a challenging subject for anyone to master. Such characteristics are always in flux and a source of constant debate. Steven D. Stark's comprehensive approach to American English in The American Way of Writing is suited to Americans and foreigners alike, offering a deeper understanding of the ties that bind rather than divide.