Synopses & Reviews
Table of Contents
Chapter One Introduction: One Nation, Food For Thought1. The Chapters and the Thesis2. Mythical Origins: Disraeli On England3. The Myth Incarnate4. Blue Moods and Black-Balls 5. The Context of InfluenceChapter Two Ethos and Doctrine in the Conservative Party1. Conservative ideology2. Conservative Principles3. Political RecrudescenceChapter Three The Thracian Boxer and Ideological Movement1. The Pamphlets: ‘Let the Dog See the Rabbit'2. Forecast is for Dry to Wet, Then Dry Again3. Mapping Conservative Policy Preferences4. Appendix to Chapter ThreeChapter Four Skilled Propaganda From Ill-Intentioned ‘Friends'1. A Great Moving Left Show2. Retrospective Procrustean Polemics3. Concessionary ConservatismChapter Five Factions, Tendencies and ‘Bondstones'?1. Post-War: Reform and/or Progress?2. No Turning Back to PEST3. Conservative Typologies: towards ‘Topsy' Dimensions4. ‘Bondstone Groups'Chapter Six One Nation, but which?1. The Devolution Dilemma of a Rebounding ‘Scottish Card'2. The ‘English Question'3. Civis Britannicus sum?4. Cameron's One Nation ConundrumChapter Seven ‘One Europe or No Nation'?1. The Party of Europe and ‘One Europe'?2. Merchant Shipping with a Malign Form of Maastricht3. The Euro-Ratchet Halted or Withdrawal?Chapter Eight Conclusion: Further Refreshment at the Springs of Doctrine1. Back to the Future: The Responsible Society2. In Conclusion: Cameron Conservatism.Bibliography