Synopses & Reviews
Sport presents one of the most advanced cases of 'globalisation, ' arguably because there are fewer cultural and political obstacles to the development of trade and international power in sport than there are in other fields. Thus there has been a change in the nature of the politics of sport since the end of the Cold War; the subject must be rewritten to acknowledge a twenty-first century world in which international sporting organisations and transnational corporations have become far more important than states.
The Global Politics of Sport presents a range of essays examining the emerging global political issues in twenty-first century sport including:
- The role, and power of organisations such as FIFA and the IOC
- The influence of US exceptionalism
- The construction of global sports heroes
- Tensions developing within traditionally 'alternative' sports in a global commercial culture
The Global Politics of Sport presents new and fresh exploration of different conceptions of sport as a purely commercial activity and as an activity as embodying 'higher' social and ethical values.