Synopses & Reviews
The most important event in Franklin's career during 1766 was his influential examination before the House of Commons advocating the repeal of the Stamp Act. The verbatim account of that examination, as recorded by the assistant clerk, is reprinted here. Included are notations by Franklin and one of the members as to who asked the various questions to which he address his remarks.His other activities as colonial agent relating to the Stamp Act and the act restraining paper money are indicated in both his personal correspondence and his letter to English newspapers.Early in 1766, Franklin's printing partnership with David Hall expired; the final accounts of this venture reveal much about the activities of one of the major printing and publishing firms in the colonies.During the summer Franklin accompanied an English friend on a trip through Germany. In what must have been a series of interviews, one scholar drew from him extended information about America, which was later printed in a Hanoverian journal. This report, reprinted here, appears for the first time in a complete English translation.Mr. Labaree is Farnam Professor Emeritus of History at Yale University.