Synopses & Reviews
Sassy and Waldo are good dogs. They spend the day keeping their house safe. Has a squirrel ever gotten inside? No But every day their boy, Stewart, comes home from this terrible place called school smelling like anxiety and looseleaf paper.
Sassy and Waldo decide to save Stewart. But they don't let dogs into school. So Sassy and Waldo decide to get creative. They put on an old trench coat, and now everyone at Bea Arthur Elementary thinks they are a new student named Salty from Liver, Ohio. Well, everyone except Stewart.
Sassy and Waldo love school Everything smells like meat and dirty socks. And they discover a whole other way to help out Stewart
Sassy and Waldo need to save their boy from being bored all day in class, but the school won't let two dogs inside. Good thing they found that trench coat
Sassy and Waldo are good dogs.Sassy and Waldo spend their day keeping the house safe. Has a squirrel ever gotten inside? No But every day their boy, Stewart, leaves for a scary place: school Sassy and Waldo need to save Stewart. But they don't let dogs into school. Not even the really good ones.Sassy and Waldo put on a trench coat.Now everyone at Bea Arthur Elementary thinks they are a new student.Everyone except Stewart.