Synopses & Reviews
Globalization includes complex processes, easy to identify butdifficult to explain. Why, for instance, are globalizing processes sounevenly distributed between poor and wealthy countries? What effectdoes this uneven distribution have on the everyday lives of ordinarypeople?
The contributors to this volume find answers to these questions inthe Mediterranean, a region divided between the relatively wealthypeople of the north shore, who are engaged with Europe and modernized,and their poorer neighbours to the south, who strive daily to meet thesame standards of living and modes of governance as their moreWesternized neighbours to the north. In these two regions, divergenthistories, economies, cultural and linguistic backgrounds, educationsystems, and political structures lead to explanations for unevenglobalization and disparities in the achievement of individual andcollective autonomy, in the Mediterranean region and around theworld.
These illuminating case studies show that globalization for thepeople of North Africa and the Near East has precipitated both a desireto build stronger ties with an ever-wary Europe and a search forindividual and collective autonomy, particularly in the cultural realm.The seeds of discontent sown by these struggles underpin thedemonstrations for political autonomy that sparked the Arab Spring.
Yassine Essid is an expert on the history ofIslamic economic thought and on the history and place of Islam in NorthAfrica and the Middle East. William D. Coleman hasoverseen the writing of the books in the Globalization and AutonomySeries. He carries out research on different theories aboutglobalization and on global governance.
Contributors: Mongi Bahloul, Samouel Béji, HoudaBen Hassen, Almudena Hasan Bosque, Lotfi Bouzaïane, Abdeljabbar Bsaies,Faika Charfi, Hachmi Dhaou, Yassine Essid, Sonia Fellous, Amado A.Millán Fuertes, Nizard Jouini, Rulof Kerkhoff, Myriem Lakhoua, LatifaLakhdhar, Jihen Malek, Paula Durán Monfort, Rim Ben Ayed Mouelhi,Olivia Orozco de la Torre, Fatma Sarraj, François Zabbal, and SamehZouari
Why are globalizing processes unevenly distributed between poor andwealthy countries? What effect do these disparities have on the livesof ordinary people? The contributors to this volume find answers tothese questions in the Mediterranean, a region divided between thewealthier nations of the north shore and their poorer neighbours to thesouth. The divergent histories, economies, cultural and linguisticbackgrounds, education systems, and political structures of these tworegions lead to explanations not only for uneven globalization but alsofor the wave of demonstrations that have sparked unrest in North Africaand the Near East.
Table of Contents
Preface to Series / Preface to the English Edition
Introduction / Yassine Essid and William D. Coleman
Part 1: Adapting and Integrating -- Governing inGlobalization
1 Globalization, Governance, and Autonomy / AbdeljabbarBsaies
2 Globalization, Autonomy, and the Euro-Mediterranean Space:The Issues of Regional Cooperation and the Challenges of Sovereignty /Faika Charfi and Sameh Zouari
Part 2: Globalization in the Great Texts
3 'Asabiyya, Market, and Society: TheContemporary Relevance of Ibn Khaldun's Vision of Social Change /Olivia Orozco de la Torre
4 Transmission of Texts and Globalization of Knowledge:Inter-religious Dialogue in Castile in the Fifteenth Century /Sonia Fellous
Part 3: Religions and Globalization
5 Islam: Globalization, Autonomy, and Internationality /Mohamed Yassine Essid
6 Muslim Women in the Mediterranean Region: DiscriminatoryAutonomy / Latifa Lakhdhar
Part 4: Cultural Autonomy -- Music and Food
7 Local Tunisian Music and Globalization: Between MusicalAutonomy and Commercial Autonomy / Myriem Lakhoua
8 Globalization and Food Autonomy in the Mediterranean Region/ Amado A. Millán Fuertes
9 The Fuentes de Ebro Sweet Onion: Autonomy throughGlobalization / Rulof Kerkhoff
10 Globalization of Food Practices in Amman / AlmudenaHasan Bosque
11 Food Globalization and Autonomy Strategies: The Case ofMeat in Tunisia / Paula Durán Monfort
Part 5: Cultural Autonomy -- Languages andEducation
12 Globalized Literature and Autonomy: The Arabic Novel in theWest / François Zabbal
13 The Use of English in North Africa: From Globalization toAutonomy / Mongi Bahloul
14 Globalization, Autonomy, and Higher Education: The Frenchand Tunisian Cases / Houda Ben Hassen
Part 6: Globalization and Autonomy -- The EconomicQuestion
15 The Economics of Globalization and Autonomy in theMediterranean Region / Lotfi Bouzaïane
16 Globalization and Autonomy in the Mediterranean Region: TheRoles of the Main Stakeholders / Rim Ben Ayed Mouelhi
17 The Challenge of Financial Globalization in Countries Southof the Mediterranean Basin / Samouel Béji
18 Industrial Policy in the Mediterranean Region andCapacities for Autonomy in a Context of Globalization / JihenMalek
19 The South Mediterranean Countries and Economic Opening: TheState of Affairs / Nizard Jouini
20 The Mediterranean and Outsourcing / FatmaSarraj
21 Globalization and Autonomy: The Individual in the Maghreb /Interview with Dr. Hashmi Dhaoui
Works Cited