Includes bibliographical references (p. 310-346).
Table of Contents
Introduction / Peter Wollen -- Shrines, curiosities, and the rhetoric of display / Stephen Bann -- Death and life, in that order, in the works of Charles Willson Peale / Susan Stewart -- The Musâee sentimental of Daniel Spoerri / Jean-Hubert Martin -- Beyond belief : the museum as metaphor / Ralph Rugoff -- Visual stories / Ann Reynolds -- Envisioning capital : political economy on display / Susan Buck-Morss -- Constructing ethnicity / Edward Ball -- Tales of total art and dreams of the total museum / Peter Wollen -- Waxworks and wonderlands / Marina Warner -- Medicine and genres of display / Ludmilla Jordanova -- Gender artifacts : technologies of bodily display in the medical culture / Lisa Cartwright -- Visual pleasure and the primordially repressed / Eric Santner -- The artificial infinite / Scott Bukatman -- Discussion.