Synopses & Reviews
A glass act
Depression glass was an inexpensive splash of color and beauty in an otherwise gray economic time. Given away as premiums at -dish night- at the local movie theater and packed in boxes of laundry soap, this colorful tableware made of pink, green, blue, and yellow glass brightened the lives of struggling homemakers.
Today's Warman's Depression Glass celebrates this classic collectible and its rich heritage. Working with the National Depression Glass Association, the latest edition of this wonderful resource offers some of the finest pieces from the National Glass Museum, as well as invaluable tools for proper identification and smart buying and selling advice, all while sharing the history of one of the most popular and timeless styles of collectible glass.
In this updated and expanded sixth edition, you'll find:
- More than 600 color images, many featuring prized selections from the National Glass Museum.
- More than 170 different patterns.
- Current values for each listing.
- Line drawings of each pattern illustrating intricate details.
- Pattern silhouette guide for quick identification.
- Foreword by Pam Meyer of the National Depression Glass Association.
- Company and color time lines, glossary of glass terminology, index of patterns.