Synopses & Reviews
Women, Gender and Development Reader II is the definitive volume of literature dedicated to women in the development process. Now in a fully revised second edition, the editors expertly present the impacts of social, political and economic change by reviewing such topical issues as migration, persistent structural discrimination, the global recession, and climate change. Approached from a multidisciplinary perspective, the theoretical debates are vividly illustrated by an array of global case studies.
This now classic book, has been designed as a comprehensive reader, presenting the best of the now vast body of literature. The book is divided into five parts, incorporating readings from the leading experts and authorities in each field. The result is a unique and extensive discussion, a guide to the evolution of the field, and a vital point of reference for those studying or with a keen interest in women in the development process.
"The decision to bring out a second edition of this widely used collection of key articles on gender and development will be warmly welcomed by scholars and practitioners in the field. The collection has become a standard text in most courses related to this topic. The revised edition will prove equally valuable. The editors have retained the division of the reader into the same five parts that characterised the first edition, but with largely new articles which reflect the way that field has evolved in the decade since the first edition." -- Naila Kabeer, Professor of Development Studies, SOAS "This long awaited second edition lives up to its expectations. The well chosen both old and new entries along with careful, painstaking updates make this a welcome encyclopedic resource for all of those teaching gender and development studies. The editors are to be congratulated for capturing so deftly the huge strides gender and development studies have taken in these last years. The Women, Gender and Development Reader will be recommended reading for a long time to come." -- Wendy Harcourt, Editor Development at the Society for International Development (SID) in Rome and author of Body Politics in Development
About the Author
Nalini Visvanathan is an independent researcher living in the Washington, DC area. A native of India, her research and publications cover womens health in the population context, education and the empowerment of adolescent girls, womens movements and community-based participatory research. Her doctorate is in interdisciplinary communication with an emphasis on development studies.
Lynn Duggan, Professor of Labor Studies since 1997 and PhD economist, teaches at Indiana University Bloomington. She has written articles and book chapters on free trade and social policy, feminist comparative economic systems, family policy in East and West Germany, and reproductive rights in the Philippines.
Laurie Nisonoff, Professor of Economics, has taught economics, economic history and women's studies at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, USA, since 1974. She is an editor of the Review of Radical Political Economics, and served as the co-ordinator of the RRPE 6th Special Issue on Women, 'Women in the International Economy'. She has published alone and with Marilyn Dalsimer on women in China, and on the labour process.
Nan Wiegersma is Professor of Economics, Emeritus, at Fitchburg State College, Massachusetts. She has published numerous articles on land tenure, gender and development. Her article “Peasant Patriarchy and the Subversion of the Collective in Vietnam” was reprinted in the research anthology Gender and Development: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Approaches, Volume I, Lourdes Beneria Ed. She is author of Vietnam: Peasant Land, Peasant Revolution and is coauthor (with Joseph Medley) of US Development Policies toward the Pacific Rim. She was the Women and Development Expert for the United Nations on a World Food Programme mission to Vietnam. She was also a coeditor of the first edition of The Women Gender and Development Reader.
Table of Contents
Part 1
Introduction - Nalini Visvanathan
1. The History of International Development: Concepts and Contexts - Shirin M. Rai
2. Financial Crises and the Impact on Women: A Historical Note - Jayati Ghosh
3. Gender and Development: Theoretical Perspectives - Shirin M. Rai
4. Women's Role in Economic Development - Ester Boserup
5. The invisible heart- care and the global economy - Nancy Folbre
6. Feminist Political Ecology Gender and Environment Series Editorial Committee (GESEC)
7. Women and Microcredit: A Critical Introduction - Nalini Visvanathan and Karla Yoder
8. Negotiating Multiple Patriarchies: Women and microfinance in South India - Kalpana Karunakaran
9. Gender as a Social Determinant of Health: Evidence, Policies, and Innovations - Gita Sen and Piroska Ostlin
10. Peace-Building And Reconstruction With Women: Refelctions On Afghanistan, Iraq, And Palestine - Valentine M. Moghadam
11. Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses - Chandra Talpade Mohanty
12. Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others - Lila Abu-Lughod
13. The 'Gender Lens': A Racial Blinder? - Sarah C. White
14. Development's encounter with sexuality: essentialism and beyond - Sonia Correa and Susie Jolly
15. From Missionaries to Microcredit? 'Race', Gender and Agency in Neoliberal Development - Kalpana Wilson
Part 2
Introduction - Lynn Duggan
16. Accounting For Women's Work: The Progress Of Two Decades - Lourdes Benería
17. 'In The Eyes Of A Child, A Father Is Everything': Changing Constructions Of Fatherhood In Urban Botswana? - Kavita Datta
18. Daughters, Decisions And Domination: An Empirical And Conceptual Critique Of Household Strategies - Diana L. Wolf
19. Subordination And Sexual Control: A Comparative View Of The Control Of Women - Gita Sen
20. Discarded Daughters: The Patriarchal Grip, Dowry Deaths, Sex Ratio Imbalances & Foeticide In India - Aysan Sev'er
21. The 'Feminisation Of Poverty' And The 'Feminisation' Of Anti-Poverty Programmes: Room For Revision? - Sylvia Chant
Part 3
Introduction - Laurie Nisonoff with Lynn Duggan and Nan Wiegersma
22. The Subordination Of Women And The Internationalization Of Factory Production - Diane Elson and Ruth Pearson
23. Maquiladoras: The View From The Inside - María Patricia Fernández-Kelly
24. Global Woman - Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild
25. Slavery And Gender: Women's Double Exploitation - Beth Herzfeld
26. Globalization And The Increase In Transnational Care Work: The Flip Side - Jean L. Pyle
27. The Korean Economic Crisis And Working Women - Haejin Kim And Paula B. Voos
Part 4
Introduction - Nan Wiegersma
28. International Financial Architecture: A view from the kitchen - Diane Elson
29. 'One Step Forward- Two Steps Backward' From Labor Market Exclusion to Inclusion: a gender perspective on effects of the economic crisis in Turkey - Gülay Toksöz
30. Gender, Climate Change and Human Security: Lessons from Senegal - The Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
31. The Population Bomb is Back - with a Global Warming Twist - Betsy Hartmann and Elizabeth Barajas-Román
32. Caring for people with HIV: state policies and their dependence on women's unpaid work - Anesu Makina
33. The Right to Have Rights: Resisting Fundamentalist Orders - Deepa Shankaran
34. African Women's Movements Negotiating Peace - Ali Mari Tripp, Isabel Casimiro, Joy Kwesiga and Alice Mungwa
35. 'I am Somebody!': Brazil's Social Movements Educate for Gender Equality and Economic Sustainability - Ruth Needleman
36. Capitalism and Socialism, Some Feminist Questions - Lourdes Benería
Part 5
Introduction - Nalini Visvanathan
37. The Global Women's Movement: An Introduction - Peggy Antrobus
38. 'Under Western Eyes' Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles - Chandra Talpade Mohanty
39. Challenges in Transnational Feminist Mobilization - Aili Mari Tripp
40. The International Women's Commission of La Vía Campesina - Annette Aurélie Desmarais
41. Birthing and Growing the African Feminist Forum - Ayesha M. Imam
42. Women's Community Organizing in Quito: The Paradoxes of Survival and Struggle - Amy Lind
43. Feminist-Nation Building in Afghanistan: An examination of the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan's (RAWA) - Jennifer L. Fluri
44. Struggle, Perseverance, and Organization In Sri Lanka's Export Processing Zones - Samanthi Gunawardana