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6 Responses to "Book News Friday: New 007, eBook Outsells Hardcover, and More"
christine tripp
September 28, 2010 at 11:28 AM
Lizt, not to worry, this is NOT the publishing industry that has offered a contract, it's just a Vanity press. Not hard to convince people who make their money selling you back your books (after hoping you sign up and pay for all their book related services) to sign you to another 22:)
christine tripp
September 28, 2010 at 11:23 AM
No worry about feeling jealous people. The Printer that "signed" the boy/mother is a best to be avoided Vanity co., as is AuthorHouse, the "Printer" the boy's mum used to do her novel. Afraid this is not the assumed "good news" story many may hope it to be. It's pretty much a scam, perhaps designed by the child's mother to sell her books. The state they do not charge the authors to be published (well duh yeah!) and as soon as a "publisher" has that statement up on their web site, you know it's going to be costing you a fortune in the end, some how. Either via marketing costs, editing costs, pr costs, you will have to purchase your own books to sell, etc, etc. Funny enough, Random House doesn't post things like this on their web site.... hummmm:)
August 28, 2010 at 10:29 AM
I am less concerned about the child than I am about the idiots who signed the six year old. Children are allowed their dreams but the employer of whoever signed the deal should fire these people on the spot. It shows a complete lack of judgment and logic and is just plain idiotic. Amazingly wonderful and proven writers are not given 23 story contracts. No wonder the publishing industry is staggering in this economy.
August 27, 2010 at 03:47 PM
Deaver doing Bond! Oh my! I'm in heaven...can't wait.
Miss Gretchen
August 27, 2010 at 02:17 PM
Leo Hunter, the talented six year old, was quoted as saying "I like writing about dogs, people, every single thing." And Gail Collins in the Times was talking about the media in August, and called for more stories about cats, saying, "This kind of thing gets worst in August when, absent a good hurricane, the media has very little to talk about. . .if [only] the woman who got caught putting a cat in a garbage can had been American. Really, anything about cats is good." So I predict that the week before the Labor Day holiday, and the Monday before the premiere of "Wage Slaves" season two, the precious tot becomes completely old news, when a fetus gets signed in utero to pen a book deal about both cats and dogs. Possible mom? "JT LeRoy."
K Slip
August 27, 2010 at 01:33 PM
Just because the retail price of an e-book is lower than the price of the same book in hardbound format does not mean that a hardback is "more profitable". I imagine printing, binding, shipping, storage and display all take a cut of the final sale price for a "real" book significantly greater than for a digital edition. But then, I'm not in the book selling business so maybe I'm wrong and warehousing all those gigabytes requires acres of very expensive cyberspace and huge e-ink refineries. If so where do I apply for a job?
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