Oh, hello there. I'm Drew Magary, author of
The Postmortal, a book you can buy at Powell's starting TOMORROW! Nice. To help pimp the book, I'll be here blogging for the site all week. You may not know anything about me, or about this book. BUT FEAR NOT. Here's a very quick topline for you.
Q: Who are you again?
A: Drew Magary. I usually write for Maxim, GQ, NBC, and sports websites Deadspin and Kissing Suzy Kolber. I'm 34 years old. I'm married with two children. I do not own a firearm. I find chewing gum longer than two minutes to be exhausting. I love blister peanuts. I drink.
Q: And what's this book thing you did?
A: The Postmortal. It's a new novel available in paperback.
Q: And what's it about?
A: It's a science fiction novel about the advent of a permanent cure for aging and the effects that cure would have on the entire world once it's made widely available to the general public.
Q: Oooh! Hey! A cure for aging! That sounds bitchin'! So everyone ends up looking gorgeous and having awesome sex for the next 500 millennia and nothing goes wrong, right?
A: See, that's what I thought would happen. But then I read the thing and it turns out that, like, people have a hard time finding food and stuff.
Q: Even halibut?
A: Yep.
Q: Oof.
A: I know.
Q: Why is the book called The Postmortal?
A: People who get the cure are said to be "postmortal," which is to say that they have the ability to outlast the former average human lifespan, but are not actually immortal. They can be killed by pretty much everything except old age.
Q: So people still die in this book?
A: DO THEY EVER! Killing off characters is sweet.
Q: Is there a main character?
A: Yes. His name's John Farrell. He's one of the first people to get the cure, and the story arc of his life coincides with the story of the world in the postmortal era. The story is told through an online journal he keeps and includes many articles and TV transcripts he's posted over the course of his existence.
Q: Is there sex?
A: Yes.
Q: Is there LOTS of sex, like a Nicholson Baker book or something crazy like that?
A: No. Just the right amount. Tastefully done.
Q: Why should I buy this book?
A: Google "magary postmortal review". I GOTZ REFERENCES.
Q: And you're here all week? Will it just be a bunch of book-pimping posts?
A: No. Swear to God. Come back tomorrow. I'll have fun stuff for you.