by Lynn, May 14, 2010 4:16 PM
Jim Butcher takes risks with Changes, his 12th Harry Dresden novel. Darker than usual, it lives up to the title. The risks pay off: This is undoubtedly Butcher's best Dresden book. Harry faces his worst enemies and battles his darkest internal demons to save a child whom he unknowingly has fathered with his ex Susan and whom the Red Court vampires have kidnapped to use in a blood sacrifice. From the first page until the last, Butcher literally never lets up on the suspense and action. He sweeps us gleefully along as Dresden calls together all his friends (and an enemy or two), uses all his wizard skills, and loses nearly everything to save his daughter. Butcher sets the stage for an epic battle, both physically and emotionally, and puts into motion transformations for Dresden that will shake up everything and everyone in his world.