Describe your latest project.The I Love You Book and The Earth Book. Neither are the expected. I Love You captures a lot of the little forgotten reasons that parent love their kids. The Earth Book is not a "how to" but a celebration of all the things on earth.
Both of these books were a challenge for me, as there are a lot of "love you"-type books and I know there will be a lot of "earth"-type books. I knew mine would have to be the unexpected.
How do you relax?
Watching the ocean.
What is your idea of absolute happiness?
Being creative.
What is your astrological sign? If you don't like what you were born with, to what sign would you change and why?
Cancer — all me. Wouldn't change it.
Share an interesting experience you've had with one of your readers.
At one of my first book signings, a family told me they were shocked to see that I was not a six-year-old that had written these books. Not a great way to start out my writing career. Today, I am proud to be the guy "who writes those books that look like a six-year-old would do"
Name the best television series of all time, and explain why it's the best.
I Love Lucy. It was so simple and made everyone laugh.
On a clear and cold day, do you typically get outside into the sunshine or stay inside where it's warm?
Outside first and have some fun. Then inside.
Dogs, cats, budgies, or turtles?
Recommend five or more books on a single subject of personal interest or expertise.
The books that have made the biggest impression on my life — partly because they are the books that my grandma read to me almost every night.
Green Eggs and Ham
Are You My Mother?
Go, Dog. Go!
Hop on Pop
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish