by Lynn, March 19, 2010 11:48 AM
I'm not very big on salads, despite being a vegan. However, I know what's good for me, and salad greens are an important part of a healthy diet — I just need something more than a few greens and some dressing. Which brings me to Raising the Salad Bar: Beyond Leafy Greens — Inventive Salads with Beans, Whole Grains, Pasta, Chicken, and More. Don't let the "...Chicken, and More" dissuade you if you're a vegan like me — there's plenty here that is meat- and dairy-free. Catherine Walthers has brought together a delicious variety of salads of all types, including mouth-watering pasta, bean, and grain salads. Most of the recipes are "easy fixing" and there is a wonderful variety of ethnic choices as well as some change-ups on the standard leafy green salad.