We are so accustomed to a certain base level of conflict, drama, and brute violence in our world that it is difficult for us to imagine another state of being — and if we try to, the guardians at the gates of the establishment will quickly rush over to mock us, shake their fists at us, and say we are "naïve." Don't we know that "human nature" is fixed and immutable, that greed and war will always be with us, that the rich will always grind the poor into the dust, and so on?
But actually there is no fixed human nature one can point toward. There have been and continue to be many human cultures — tribal societies — that had no interest in amassing material possessions, and thus no greed as we understand it, no poverty and wealth, no oceans of human misery, no giant war machines (although they did have local battles for glory or spoils). Many of these societies were matriarchal rather than patriarchal.
It was Gandhi, apparently, who noted that children are not born literate. We must teach kids to read. Literacy is, quite obviously, not just part of "human nature," but anyone can learn it. Similarly, nobody is born nonviolent, but they can be taught nonviolence as a way of being.
Our present-day culture does the opposite: It entrains people to be violent, and to accept violence as a normal way of life. Television shows blare gun battles and domestic violence around the clock. Video games where shooters kill vast armies of shadowy figures function as secret indoctrination tools that prepare young people to participate in war, or at least see war as normal in the default world.
We grow up in a control culture where the mass media is used as a technique for indoctrinating people to accept hell on earth as a natural and even seductive state of being. Who concocts all of this exploitative and apocalyptic content, and for what purpose?
One of my current favorite websites is www.vigilantcitizen.com, which analyzes popular music videos by artists like Rhianna, Lady Gaga, and Christina Aguilera, along with other artifacts of mass culture. The Vigilant Citizen finds these videos to be rife with occult symbolism that he relates to a hidden Illuminati and Free Mason conspiracy, and also to secret government mind control programs like Project Monarch, which purportedly used extreme techniques, such as sexual abuse and dosages of psychedelic drugs, in order to create "sub-personalities" in children, who can be programmed to follow directives. The concept is much like what is depicted in the film The Manchurian Candidate.
It is quite astonishing to watch Lady Gaga's videos, and many others as well, accompanied by the VC's analysis of them, as there does seem to be an astonishing repetition of particular imagery — the framed single eye, bondage gear, white and black checkerboard pattern, references to Alice in Wonderland, etc. — recurrent themes of domination and control and annihilation of the will. The VC proposes that the major music awards are orchestrated as occult spectacles. For those interested in this type of inquiry, vigilantcitizen.com can provide many hours of entertainment.
I also enjoy, and often return to, a video series on Youtube that demonstrates how neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques are blatantly used by Fox News anchors like Sean Hannity to control the discourse, belittle those with differing views, and create an illusion of authority. Employed in this way, NLP becomes a form of sorcery that uses subliminal cues and a technique called "anchoring" as well as sorcerer's passes to get beneath the conscious level of the mind and program the subconscious.
I often wonder if there really is a "they" — some orchestrated evil conspirator group that makes conscious use of mind control techniques to keep the global population in a state of idiocy and distraction. If there is a "they," one is tempted to say that they are doing a great job in keeping humanity blind and numb, asleep to our true potential as a species. It is conceivable that "they" are a non-human influence, like the Archons, the off-planet entities that the ancient Gnostics believed were running the show. Possibly, the dire suffering and misery spread across the surface of the Earth functions as an energetic charge for these off-planet entities, who feed like vampires on the emotional frequency emitted from the human energy body. While I don't know if this is the case, it is sometimes difficult to make sense of what is happening on our planet from any other perspective.
If the great slumbering mass of humanity were ever to awaken, we could quickly rise up and evict the malevolent overlords who control our world through sigil and symbol. Once this tiny minority was dethroned, the multitude could use design science principles to construct a global garden culture, a return to Eden (or Pepperland) but with all of the benefits of our modern technical prowess and metropolitan savvy. Some form of equitable distribution of goods and resources could replace the current suicide system. We could then turn to new areas of inquiry, such as refining methods to train our extrasensory perceptions and develop our currently dormant psychic capacities. We could give birth to ourselves as the "supramental" beings that the mystic philosopher Sri Auribindo foresaw we would someday become.
But hey, it is much more comforting to lie on the couch and watch the next meaningless baseball game as the last forests and few remaining animals are mowed down to make room for more hamburger farms.