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Clark has commented on (88) products
The Doll Maker
Richard Montanari
, June 01, 2015
The Doll Maker by Richard Montanari was excellent. The book is dark and gruesome and suspenseful - perfect for any fans of crime fiction. Montanari's books are similar to Thomas Harris' works in the fact that both are so twisted and creepy. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys crime fiction, mysteries, suspense, or just anyone who wants to read a great book.
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Broken Monsters
Lauren Beukes
, October 09, 2014
This book is unlike anything that I've read before. This book has a little bit of everything including mystery, suspense, satire, horror, fantasy, etc. . . It is quite unique in that aspect but also unique in the way that Lauren Beukes tells the story. Her style is very refreshing. She brings a lot of energy to this book that sometimes is missing from the more "established" authors. I am glad that I took a chance on this book. Now I have a new author to read without hesitation when her books come out. 5 stars for this great book.
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To Rise Again at a Decent Hour
Joshua Ferris
, August 29, 2014
This book deserves to be a nominee for any award that you can think of. It is not only unique and thought-provoking but well-written as well. I am not going to summarize the plot for you. That just takes away from the experience of reading this book. I really cannot think of any other books that compare to this one. This book is one of my all-time favorites and is a must read for anyone who likes to question the meaning of life. I can't wait to read whatever Joshua Ferris comes up with next.
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Stolen Ones
Richard Montanari
, March 27, 2014
This book was excellent. The Stolen Ones is so dark and dreary with numerous twists and turns that you won't see coming. Richard Montanari reminds me of Thomas Harris(Red Dragon, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal). For those of you familiar with those works, you really should do yourself a favor and read this book. Richard Montanari is a real literary talent. I promise you will enjoy it.
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Thomas Jefferson the Art of Power
Jon Meacham
, March 08, 2013
I am surprised at how little I really knew about President Jefferson before reading this book. It is clear that Mr. Meacham did an extraordinary amount of research for this book. The book seemed to flow fairly well with the occasional tedious/boring parts. I think that is a given though when reading biographies and about history. I think that Mr. Meacham writes very well overall. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in American history, politics, and biographies. President Jefferson "came to life" for me and that is all I can ask for when reading a biography. Overall, a great book about a great president. It is a must-read.
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Casual Vacancy
J K Rowling
, October 22, 2012
I have to admit that I was skeptical about this book. I wasn't sure that J.K. Rowling could write a story for adults that would be worth reading. I am glad to say that I was wrong. It is a powerful story that will stay with you long after you read it. It is obvious that J.K. Rowling really knew what she was writing about. It is not a book for children and it was never marketed for children. It is for adults. Don't bother reading if you expect this book to be similar to the Harry Potter series. Do read this book if you enjoy reading works from authors who are truly talented and on top of their game. I cannot recommend this book enough.
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Scott Sigler
, June 13, 2012
I find it hard to believe that this book is 566 pages. It felt like 100 pages. I haven't read a book this fast in a long time. Scott Sigler really paces his story well. He doesn't give it all away up front. Sigler practically keeps the reader turning the pages even though something scary, suspenseful and/or gory awaits. Many times I found myself thinking that "no, Sigler won't do that or go there" but yes, he does. He really doesn't hold anything back and I really appreciate that. Scott Sigler is an awesome writer and Nocturnal is proof of that greatness. Can you really go wrong with a character named Pookie? I didn't think so.
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I Didn't Mean to Be Kevin
Caleb J. Ross
, May 06, 2012
The book far exceeded my expectations. I only say that because Caleb Ross is a relatively new author with only a few titles to his name. I had the assumption that this book would be average at best. Let me tell you how wrong I was to assume that. This book was excellent. I found myself fully engrossed in the story. Caleb Ross packs a lot into these 200 pages. Overall, I was completely impressed with this book. Caleb Ross has a lot of talent for writing. I can't wait to read more of his work. 5 stars for "I Didn't Mean To Be Kevin."
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77 Shadow Street
Dean Koontz
, January 18, 2012
This book is scary. It was scarier than expected. I have read lots of scary books that have not put me on edge the same way that 77 Shadow Street did. Koontz can really write unique stories that keep the reader turning the pages. Yes, the one fault I have with this book is that Dean Koontz can get "wordy." He tends to over-describe which lots of readers hate. It does not ruin the story, but it can be distracting. The book probably deserves a 4 due to the "wordiness" but the abundance of scary moments earns the book a 5.
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11 22 63
Stephen King, Scribner
, December 04, 2011
My expectations were really high when I started this book. This book not only met my expectations but surpassed them. This time period (the 60's) has always been fascinating to me. The politics, Vietnam, the assassinations and the music has always been interesting to me. I love reading stories both fiction and non-fiction about this era. Stephen King's book is one of the best I have read about the 1960's. To be honest, this book is really one of the best I have ever read. I felt like I was there. I know that sounds corny but it really is true. This book is spectacular. It is a must-read.
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Kill Me If You Can
James Patterson
, September 27, 2011
I have learned over the years to suspend belief when it comes to reading James Patterson's books. This book was just too much. Absurdity after absurdity with tons of "convenient" events to keep the plot moving. Sure, if you don't worry about that kind of stuff then this is the book for you. For me, this one was just too over the top. Just a fair warning, this book has incest. Not only does it have incest, but extremely descriptive incest. I don't offend easily, but this was just too much. I wish I would have just stopped the book when the incest first appeared. I was hoping it was a one-time incident but I was wrong. Overall, this book was just far too unbelievable for me. I wish James Patterson would just stick to writing books on his own like he used to.
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Devil All the Time
Donald Ray Pollock
, August 07, 2011
For a lot of writers, it often seems like their second book falls short of their first book. Maybe the expectations are too high from readers, maybe their contracts force them to produce faster than they are used to, maybe something totally different. I was worried that "The Devil All the Time" was going to fall short of "Knockemstiff." I am glad that I was worried for nothing, because Donald Ray Pollock not only takes what is great from "Knockemstiff," but expands and combines to make one superb novel. The best word to describe Pollock and his writing ability is "brutal." This book has some of the finest, "in your face" writing that just does not let up whatsoever. Overall, you will be hard-pressed to find other writers in the same league as Donald Ray Pollock. He is not only one of the best new writers out there, he is one of the best overall writers out there, period. I have never read anything like "The Devil All the Time" and I imagine I won't until his next book comes out.
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Stay God
Nik Korpon
, March 03, 2011
Impressive . . . the one word that sums up what I think about Nik Korpon's debut. I was completely blown away with some of the descriptive passages in this book. The way Korpon writes is like an open-handed slap to the face, he will hit you again just as soon as the sting from the first slap recedes. This book is a perfect blend of Chuck Palahniuk and Bret Easton Ellis, a perfect book for anyone who likes hardcore, "in your face" type books. Nik Korpon is here to stay in the world of literary fiction. I will purchase his next book without hesitation.
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Full Dark No Stars
Stephen King
, November 21, 2010
Why are you wasting time reading this review when you could be reading the book instead? That is really all I need to say about Full Dark, No Stars. I am more than impressed with these stories by Stephen King. My review is not going to make you read the book. You either like Stephen King or you don't. This book will please most if not all of his fans and just may persuade some of those who don't enjoy the works of Stephen King. If you are looking for "heart-warming" tales for this upcoming holiday season, look elsewhere. But if you want some dark, practically "pitch black" stories, this is the book for you.
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White House Diary
Jimmy Carter
, October 02, 2010
Let me begin by saying that this will be a review of the book, not of the president. I was not around when Carter was president, so I found this book fascinating as to what our country was like and the problems it faced during those 4 years. I love politics, and I especially enjoyed reading "behind the scenes" into a President's life and everything that he went through. What makes this book so important is how relevant it is to today's world. I was shocked to see so many parallels to our current political system. Jimmy Carter presents a strong message for everyone to work together in order to make progress on serious problems that we face. Overall, whether you like Jimmy Carter or not, this is a must read book for anyone concerned about partisan politics and the damage that being divided causes our country. This book makes me want to learn more about Jimmy Carter and the late 1970's in America.
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Publications Otherworld Publications
, September 11, 2010
I always thought that first books are supposed to be just average, that writers get better with experience. Transubstantiate is a well-crafted novel that seems like it should be from someone near the end of their writing career, not at the beginning. To be honest, I read the entire book in one day. I just had to know what was going on in this "mind-trip" of a book. I am still thinking about this book, trying to grasp all of the book's creative subtleties. This book demands a "re-read." Not many books out there are worth reading more than once, but Transubstantiate is one of the few that does. Take your time on this book, read it twice if you must. Richard Thomas is the real deal and I will without a doubt purchase his next book.
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Fever Dream
Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
, May 22, 2010
I'll just throw it out there and say "Fever Dream" is one of the best books in the Pendergast series, perhaps out of all of their books. It truly was hard to put down. It took me two days to finish but that was because I'm human and needed sleep. This book is really that good. Preston and Child create a mystery in this book that is extremely creative. This book also has plenty of suspense that will keep you turning the pages. The only problem is that I have to wait another year for the next Pendergast novel. I'll just have to get caught up on some of their other books in the meantime.
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Tell All
Chuck Palahniuk
, May 17, 2010
Tell-All was decent. Was it as good as some of Palahniuk's other works? No. Was it still fun to read? Yes. I think the reason why many people are trashing this book is because they hold Palahniuk to a very high standard that he created for himself. With books such as Fight Club, Choke, and Survivor, fans expect "great" from Chuck Palahniuk. This book was "good" but it did not reach "great." Tell-All started out kind of slow but it gained momentum throughout the second half of the book. I wish it would have been longer because the second half was really good. Overall, a good book, but not great.
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Joe Hill
, March 26, 2010
Let me get right to the point . . . Horns by Joe Hill is one of my all-time favorite books. Joe Hill really knows how to tell a story. He held my attention throughout the entire book. When you have a creative plot with realistic characters plus a talented author who can weave a story you end up with a book that is worth your hard earned money. This is a great book from a great writer. A+ for Horns by Joe Hill.
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Douglas Preston
, January 25, 2010
You would think after all of the good books from Douglas Preston that he might produce a novel that was not up to par, or in other words, a stinker. I have yet to read a "stinker" from Douglas Preston, because Impact was another exciting and thrilling installment to add to my book collection. I really enjoy the Wyman Ford character, he is interesting and mysterious. I hope that he will be used in future novels, just as Agent Pendergast is used often in the Preston and Child novels. The best part about Preston novels is the use of science in making the story. It makes for an intelligent novel while still being highly readable. Kindle users, please read the book before you bash it. You are bashing an excellent book that is well worth your time.
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Under the Dome
Stephen King
, November 22, 2009
This book was a real page turner. I expected nothing less from Stephen King. He is the master at creating unique characters and usually has a compelling plot for your enjoyment. Under the Dome has both . . . fascinating characters and a plot that keeps you turning the pages as fast as you can. My favorite part of Under the Dome were the lessons that readers can take from this story. We all can learn to be better to others, especially in times of crises. I felt that Mr. King was spot-on in this book with how a society would react if faced with this situation. As for the ending . . . yes I understand how some people are upset with it, but I felt it was just right for the story. Overall, Under the Dome is a great book and a "must-have" for your Stephen King collection.
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Where Men Win Glory The Odyssey of Pat Tillman
Jon Krakauer
, November 14, 2009
This book will make you angry but you should not be angry with the author but rather with the actions of the military and our government. Many reviewers are upset with Krakauer, accusing him of putting forth a political agenda in this book. What I cannot understand is how these readers are not actually upset with the cover-up and exploitation of Pat Tillman's death. Everyone needs to suspend their political beliefs and just focus on the extraordinary story of Pat Tillman and what he did for his country. Yes, I can see how readers may have felt that Krakauer may have been inserting a political agenda in this book. I have to respectfully disagree with them though, because reporting the facts does not necessarily mean a secret agenda. Who exploited Pat Tillman? Who covered up the facts? Read this book to find out. You may not like what you find out, but the truth can be painful. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. It truly was hard to put down. I hope one day that the Tillmans find the answers that they are looking for.
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The Never Enders
Sonbert, Michael
, August 07, 2009
The Never Enders was a quick yet powerful book. Sonbert has a way with words that creates an intense feeling in the reader. Sonbert's minimalistic approach to writing is on par with Chuck Palahniuk, which is a compliment to Sonbert. I am surprised that this is Sonbert's first book, it definitely shows a bright future for what Sonbert can deliver next. I will be reading The Never Enders again, and I will without hesitation buy Michael Sonbert's next book.
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Dean R Koontz
, June 24, 2009
I finished this book in two days . . . just warning you in case you had other plans because this book practically demands the reader to keep reading. I am fairly new with Dean Koontz and his books, but if his other stories are anywhere near as good as Relentless then I have a lot of reading to do. This book is one of my all-time favorites. You should take a chance on this book, I am glad that I did.
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Dark Places
Gillian Flynn
, June 15, 2009
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn was amazing. The writing style, the plot, the characters, the suspense are all beyond par in this book. Dark Places proves that her first book Sharp Objects was not a fluke. I won't bore you by repeating unnecessary plot details to you, I will just tell you that you would be hard-pressed to find a better plot elsewhere. Sharp Objects was great, Dark Places was even better . . . I can't wait to see how great her third book will be.
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Cemetery Dance Pendergast 09
Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child
, May 27, 2009
Cemetery Dance is a return to form for Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. I personally felt that their last book "Wheel of Darkness" might have been an inclination of the decline of the series. I was proven wrong and thankfully so with the release of Cemetery Dance. I won't ruin the story or bore you with a summary of the book, I will just tell you that this book is fantastic and you will enjoy reading it. I wish the book would have been longer . . . 435 pages is not enough for a well-written story such as this one.
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Chuck Palahniuk
, May 08, 2009
Pygmy is another masterpiece from Chuck Palahniuk. In my humble opinion, Pygmy is one of Palahniuk's top three books, Fight Club and Survivor being the other two. Yes, the fragmented and disjointed writing style of this story is difficult, and that may turn people away from the book. I recommend reading this book slowly to fully appreciate the creativity of Palahniuk in creating these "broken-English" sentences. I found myself getting accustomed to the writing style as I kept reading, it makes more sense and it actually started to flow. This book will make you laugh, it will make you feel nauseous, and it will make you laugh while feeling nauseous. Yet it still delivers keen observations on life. I don't know how Palahniuk does it but it makes for a great and entertaining story. For those of you who have felt that Palahniuk has "been off his game" with some of his recent releases, I assure you that Palahniuk is back on top of his "game" with Pygmy. I will definitely be reading Pygmy again. If you enjoy a unique and creative story then Pygmy is the book for you. Chuck Palahniuk truly is a literary genius.
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Killing Circle
Andrew Pyper
, May 01, 2009
The Killing Circle by Andrew Pyper is a great book. I am lucky to have stumbled across this book at the store because it is well worth the money and time. The engaging and entertaining plot is one of the best that I have read in quite a while. Pyper installs a sense of creepiness throughout the story . . . it kept me reading on to find out what in the world was going on. I felt that Pyper was very accurate in delivering a psychological toll that the main character would be going through with an intense story such as this. This book is for anyone who enjoys reading dark mystery/suspense. I will be reading more of Andrew Pyper.
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Silent Man
Alex Berenson
, March 16, 2009
The Silent Man is another great book from Berenson that features the character John Wells. It is action-packed and suspenseful as the book is centered around the scare of a nuclear explosion. I really enjoy Alex Berenson's writing style, he has a way of keeping your interest throughout the entire book. Alex Berenson is the real deal, anyone who enjoys reading political thrillers should try his books. I will definitely be reading the next book from Alex Berenson.
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Clown Girl
Monica Drake, Hawthorne Books
, February 24, 2009
I thought this book was very entertaining. It is highly creative and well written. Monica Drake definitely has a real talent, Clown Girl is evidence of her abilities. I am looking forward to her next book.
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Scott Sigler
, February 05, 2009
After reading Infected, I thought that there was no way that Sigler could write a sequel of the same outstanding quality. Not only is Contagious an outstanding book. . .it surpasses Infected. That is saying quite a lot since Infected was received so well by many readers. Contagious is so engrossing and captivating that I truly could not turn the pages fast enough. There is only one word that I can think of when describing Contagious. . .PERFECT. Keep the novels coming Scott Sigler, I will continue buying without hesitation.
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Given Day
Dennis Lehane
, January 08, 2009
The Given Day by Dennis Lehane is one of my all-time favorite books. Lehane creates some of the best characters and plot-lines that I have ever read, period. Lehane incorporates many interesting historical topics throughout. . .such as civil rights, WWI, unionism, communism, as well as many others. Not only is this book historically educational, it is extremely entertaining as well. 700+ pages seems short for this masterpiece work of fiction. I hope Dennis Lehane receives all the awards and recognition that he deserves for this book. I will be recommending it to everyone that I can.
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Your Heart Belongs To Me
Dean Koontz
, December 31, 2008
Your Heart Belongs to Me surpassed my expectations that were low due to some poor reviews that I had read about this book. I thought that the plot of this book was exceptional. It was mysterious, I had no idea how the book would end. Without giving away details, I'll just say that I liked where Koontz went with this book. Take a chance on this one, I am glad that I did.
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City Of The Sun
David Levien
, December 28, 2008
City of the Sun is an excellent book. I felt like I was reading a book by John Sandford, which is only a compliment to David Levien. This book has great characters who are all engaged in the masterful plot. Often books are described as "hard to put down" yet they sometimes do not live up to that standard. City of the Sun truly is hard to put down. Take my word for it and give this book a chance. You will not regret it.
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Cross Country
James Patterson
, November 30, 2008
Cross Country is not James Patterson's worst book but it definitely is not his best book either. Many "convenient" things happen that keep the plot moving along but weaken the feasability of the story. I personally did not care too much for the ending of this book. I won't ruin it with spoilers, I'll just say that it seemed "cheesy" at best. A big downer for me about James Patterson is the vast amount of blank space throughout his books. Cross Country was no different, a 400 page book seems like 200 pages if condensed. Not worth your money but probably worth a rent from your local library.
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Just After Sunset
Stephen King
, November 24, 2008
Just After Sunset hooked me right from the very first story and never let up on it's grip, even after I had finished the book. It was the first collection of short stories that I have read by King, so I cannot compare it to his other collections. But I can compare it to other short story collections, and Just After Sunset surpasses all of them. It would be hard if not impossible to find another author who can match the creativity of Stephen King. He really is a master at what he does, and this collection of short stories is more proof of his greatness. This is a must-have for any Stephen King fan or anyone who wants to get a book that is deserving of their hard earned money.
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Chemical Pink
Katie Arnoldi
, September 11, 2008
Chemical Pink by Katie Arnoldi is a novel that explores how obsession can take over peoples' lives. This book is extremely entertaining. I read the book in one day, it was hard to pull myself away from it. This book is similar to a Chuck Palahniuk story, both delve into subjects that many people are uncomfortable dealing with. They both write stories in a way that keep the reader interested. Overall, Katie Arnoldi is a great writer and Chemical Pink is a great book.
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Chelsea Cain
, September 11, 2008
Sweetheart is an excellent follow-up to Cain's novel Heartsick. Chelsea Cain has intriguing characters that keep you turning the pages. The plot is suspenseful, very fast-paced. The ongoing relationship between Archie and Gretchen is disturbing yet interesting. With this novel, Cain proves that Heartsick was not a fluke. Her books are worth your time.
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Richard Montanari
, September 09, 2008
I think it is impossible for Richard Montanari to write a bad book. Badlands is another excellent book to add to his resume. It is a fantastic police procedural novel with cliffhanger suspense throughout. I have enjoyed his character development of Jessica Balzano and Kevin Byrne, they are two fictional cops worth reading about. The psychopath in this book is one of the best you'll ever encounter in fiction. Badlands is a superb read from a superb author. I can't wait for the next installment in the series.
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The Wentworths
Katie Arnoldi
, August 27, 2008
The Wentworths by Katie Arnoldi is amazing. Arnoldi has a great way of telling the reader the story without using "fluff" or unnecessary details. This held my attention to the wild story because it did not get side-tracked. This book incorporates humor, sex, drama, violence, suspense, well you get the point. I am not sure what this book doesn't incorporate which makes it one of my all time favorite novels. You will not be disappointed with this one. The Wentworths is like a literary drug for your mind, your mind will thank you for the journey.
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Patrick Mcgrath
, August 23, 2008
Trauma is an intense book. It thoroughly grips you and refuses to loosen up on it's hold, long after you complete the book. The book is only 210 pages in length, but the pages are written so well that it is impossible to feel cheated. I don't want to give away plot details, so I'll just end by saying that everyone should read this book. It is well worth your time and money.
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James Patterson
, August 11, 2008
Was this book supposed to be taken seriously by the reader? It just so happens that the largest tuna, shark, and snake ever known to man make an appearance in this book. After reading the prologue, I knew this book was going to be absurd and far-fetched. Cliche after cliche fill the remainder of this book, the authors using awfully convenient situations to keep the story moving. James Patterson is the epitome of sheer greed in its finest form. There is no reason that he has to produce a book almost monthly just to make as much money as possible. Patterson sacrifices quality in preference for quantity. He needs to go back to writing books by himself which are enjoyable to read. As long as he keeps using other authors to write his books I no longer will buy them. He has lost a long-time fan.
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Garden of Last Days
Andre III Dubus
, August 09, 2008
My first thought after finishing this book was "wow, that was a complete waste of time." The Garden of Last Days is tedious and slow moving. The plot of the book lacked in so many different ways. There were different parts in this book, in particular the character Bassam, that I really had no idea what was going on. This book was not written well and it was a chore to finish. The Garden of Last Days is a major disappointment and I would not recommend it to anyone.
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Duma Key
Stephen King
, August 05, 2008
Duma Key is a powerful and well-written book. It hooked me early on, and never let me go with the escalating action and suspense. It is one of the creepiest books that I have ever read. This story is one that stays with you long after you are finished reading. Don't let the 600+ pages scare you away, it reads quickly and is well worth your time. Overall, Duma Key is worthy of a 5 star rating.
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Hey Nostradamus!
Douglas Coupland
, July 27, 2008
Douglas Coupland is an amazing writer and Hey Nostradamus! is more proof of his greatness. This book touches upon many different aspects of life, ranging from tragedy, false accusations, religious fanatics and hypocrites. I especially enjoyed the multiple character approach to telling the story, it makes the book well-rounded. Hey Nostradamus! is a powerful and encompassing book. Coupland always delivers well-written books that are deserving of the readers' time and money. Hey Nostradamus! is a fine piece of literature.
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Child 44
Tom Rob Smith
, July 19, 2008
Child 44 is an amazing book. It has great characters and a suspenseful and tense plot. I especially enjoyed the historical setting of this book, Russia under Stalin's regime. Yes, Child 44 is fiction but the author tried to incorporate many factual events into his work, making it a well-rounded and complete novel. This is an impressive debut novel. I will be looking forward to Tom Rob Smith's next book.
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Douglas Coupland
, July 14, 2008
Jpod by Douglas Coupland is hilarious. I was laughing throughout the entire book. Coupland creates great characters and takes them on a wild ride with a plot full of crazy scenarios. I have read some negative reviews on how Coupland incorporated himself into the book. These people said it was "egotistical" and "arrogant," but in all actuality it was for comical relief. Read it and see for yourself, Coupland does not seem like an arrogant man at all. Jpod will go down as another excellent book from the mastermind Douglas Coupland.
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Diana Abu Jaber
, July 09, 2008
Origin is one of the most creative and original books that I have ever read. Diana Abu-Jaber is very talented, she is a great writer. This book is impossible to predict, which makes it worth your time and money. Origin is one of my all time favorite books. Trust me on this book, you will like it.
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Tree Of Smoke
Denis Johnson
, June 30, 2008
Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson is a masterpiece. This book provides more evidence that Johnson is one of the greatest writers at work today. Tree of Smoke captures the utter devastation of war. No one wins in war, and Denis Johnson has done a good job of portraying that in Tree of Smoke. Don't let the size of this book deter you from reading it, it is a fast read filled with great imagery and detail. Tree of Smoke is a must read for anyone who is interested in the Vietnam War. In all reality it is a must read for anyone who enjoys great books. Tree of Smoke is one of my all time favorite books. Thank you Mr. Johnson for writing a book worth my money and time.
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When You Are Engulfed In Flames
David Sedaris
, June 20, 2008
This was my first book by David Sedaris and it did not disappoint. This book is humorous, Sedaris has a great outlook on life. I especially enjoyed the piece called "That's Amore." The old lady in that story is quite a character, read it and find out what I am talking about. Wrapping my review up, I'll end it by saying that I will be reading more from David Sedaris and that "When You Are Engulfed In Flames" deserves two thumbs up.
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Scott Smith
, June 18, 2008
The Ruins is an excellent horror novel. This book literally hooks the reader and doesn't let go, long after the book is over. Smith creates a level of emotional terror in the characters that will be hard to surpass by other authors. It is a bloody and violent book, be forewarned. Overall, this book deserves 2 thumbs up. The Ruins is one of the best books that I have ever read.
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Silence Of The Lambs
Thomas Harris
, June 13, 2008
Don't take this wrong, the movie was excellent. But the book has so much more riveting detail that wasn't incorporated into the film. Thomas Harris is in a league of his own, the master of creating suspense. Hannibal Lecter and Jame Gumb are two of the sickest fictional sociopaths ever created. The Silence of the Lambs is one of my all-time favorite books. If you haven't read this book yet, now is the time.
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Phantom Prey
John Sandford
, June 08, 2008
John Sandford has delivered once again. Phantom Prey is an excellent book that features page-turning suspense. Lucas Davenport is a great character to root for. John Sandford's novels far surpass James Patterson and the works that other writers create for him. Phantom Prey is one of the best novels in the entire Prey series. This book is a must read. Two thumbs up from me.
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Chuck Palahniuk
, May 20, 2008
This book is perverted, sick, and twisted. It is exactly what some people say is "wrong with America." But that is what makes this book so perfect. It breaks boundaries, going places that no other book has gone before. I have read every book by Chuck Palahniuk, and I would arguably say that this is my favorite novel of his. A+ for this dirty little book.
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Merciless A Novel Of Suspense
Richard Montanari
, May 05, 2008
This is my third book by Richard Montanari that I have read. He is clearly not a "one book fluke," because Merciless is just as good his other work. Montanari reminds me of Thomas Harris, both are master storytellers. Merciless is an excellent police procedural with great characters throughout the book. The gore and brutality in this book is not for the squeamish. If you enjoy a suspenseful thriller then you should take a chance on Merciless. Richard Monatanari is an author who I will be buying more from in the future.
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The Skin Gods
Richard Montanari
, April 24, 2008
Richard Montanari has delivered once again. This book is the follow-up to The Rosary Girls, both are gritty thrillers. The Skin Gods has great characters, real and believable. The plot was intense and disturbing. This book makes the reader question themselves as to what they would do if they were in the situation of the characters, which is a positive. If you enjoy intellectual stimulation then this is the book for you. Two thumbs up for Richard Montanari's The Skin Gods.
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Rosary Girls
Richard Montanari
, April 19, 2008
The Rosary Girls is very engaging and addicting. I enjoyed the characters in this book because they aren't portrayed as perfect, they are real people with their own flaws. Philadelphia provided an interesting setting for this mystery/thriller. The sadistic killer was demented, which is made obvious from the gruesome details in the book. Richard Montanari is an author that I would recommend to anyone who enjoys dark and gritty suspenseful thrillers.
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Scott Sigler
, April 15, 2008
This novel was sick and twisted in all the good ways. Infected is intense and violent, definately not for everyone. But if you enjoy some carnage and gore then you really need to read this book. This book hooked me from the start, and it hasn't let me go even though I have finished the wild ride. Scott Sigler is impressive. Chalk up another fan of Scott Sigler.
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Chuck Palahniuk
, April 11, 2008
Chuck Palahniuk has taken my mind through a ride that is hard to forget. This book is deep and philosophical on so many levels. The characters are amazing, you'll be hard-pressed to find similiar characters elsewhere. The plot is genius, a plot only Palahniuk could deliver. The idea of "creating the future" is refreshing, an interesting way of looking at the world around you. I have read this book two times now, and I would recommend re-reading this one because it is better the second time around. Rant is a mind-blowing book that should be read by everyone.
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Dark Tide
Andrew Gross
, April 07, 2008
Andrew Gross has written another fantastic book. The Dark Tide is fast-paced and full of suspense, which hooked me from the start and never let me go. The Dark Tide has a detail oriented plot, which requires a careful read from the reader. If Andrew Gross is the future of mystery/thriller/suspense books, then the future is definately bright. Two thumbs up for The Dark Tide.
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Now You See Him
Eli Gottlieb
, March 31, 2008
Now You See Him exceeded my expectations. I saw this book at the store and just took a chance on it, not expecting too much. All I can say is that I am glad that I took that chance, because this book delivers the goods. Eli Gottlieb took his time on this one, each sentence seems to be perfectly constructed. The story itself was amazing, the revelation at the end of the book was brilliant. This book is comparable to the work of Douglas Coupland, which is a compliment to Gottlieb. I cannot say enough positive things about this book. Try it, you won’t regret it. A+ for Now You See Him.
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Chris Mooney
, March 30, 2008
This book was excellent. It has great characters, great setting, and a great plot. It was creepy and intense. I would compare this book to a mixture of Thomas Harris and John Sandford, which is a compliment to Mooney. I devoured this book in two sittings, it was that good. I will be reading more of Chris Mooney in the future. A+ for The Missing.
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Donald Ray Pollock
, March 24, 2008
Knockemstiff is one of the best books that I have ever read, period. These shocking stories follow right after each other, never giving the reader a chance to catch his or her breath. I read this entire novel in one sitting because I just did not want to stop. Knockemstiff is that good, well worth your money and time. The future is bright for Donald Ray Pollock. Pollock has joined my small list of favorite authors. A+ for Knockemstiff.
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Faithful Spy
Alex Berenson
, March 22, 2008
The Faithful Spy by Alex Berenson is outstanding. The book hooked me from the start, I was turning pages as fast as I could until the end. The book tackles issues on the war on terrorism, which engages the reader since that is the world that we live in. This book is very readable, anyone who enjoys a good action story should take a chance on this one. A+ for The Faithful Spy, and I will be reading the follow-up The Ghost War as soon as I can.
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Michael Marshall
, March 18, 2008
This book far surpassed my expectations. It was intense and creepy. I really had no idea how the book would end, which kept me turning the pages to find out. I was hooked from the first chapter, and it was a wild ride until the end. Overall, The Intruders is an excellent book. It is well worth your time to read this one.
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Shell Game
Alten, Steve
, March 13, 2008
This book was a fast paced thriller. It is a must read for anyone who enjoys politics. This book presents a scary hypothetical situation in the near future. This book is perfect for anyone who beleives that the government is lying about the events on 9/11. Overall, a tense and nerve-racking book. I would recommend this to anyone who cares about our future. A+ for The Shell Game.
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Eleanor Rigby
Douglas Coupland
, March 03, 2008
It is hard to put into words how much I liked this book. The writing is flawless, the plot is fantastic and creative. It is impossible not to sympathize with the main character. Douglas Coupland engages the reader and never lets go, even after you have finished reading. Coupland has become one of my favorite writers. Eleanor Rigby is one of my all time favorite books. I cannot see how anyone would be disappointed after reading this outstanding book. I feel confident in recommending this book to anyone.
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Rust & Bone
Craig Davidson
, March 01, 2008
Rust and Bone is a "knock you on your backside" type of book. The stories are powerful and emotionally intense. It is impossible to feel comfortable during and after reading these stories. The story about dogfighting was one of the most gruesome stories that I have ever read. Craig Davidson is the real deal. Take a chance on this book and enjoy the ride.
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Bind Torture Kill The Inside Story of the Serial Killer Next Door
Roy Wenzl
, February 14, 2008
This book is fascinating. It is an "insider" account into the BTK murders in Kansas. It is well-written and factual, often clearing up many misconceptions about BTK from the mass media. It is a must read for anyone interested in serial crime, especially those who are interested in how law enforcement solves crime. Some parts of the book are disturbing, be forewarned. A+ for "Bind, Torture, Kill."
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7th Heaven
James Patterson
, February 10, 2008
This book was outstanding. It hooked me from the start, and never let me go. Twists and turns throughout the book kept me hooked. I was turning the pages as fast as I could go to see how the story was going to end. This is a first class thriller that deserves my recommendation. A+ for 7th Heaven.
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Resuscitation Of A Hanged Man
Denis Johnson
, February 07, 2008
This book was quite enjoyable. It is impossible not to get submerged into the story, Johnson hooks you and never lets go. Denis Johnson is a master of the English language. It seems like every word is necessary for the story. Johnson has a focus on providing the reader a well-written novel that lacks useless page filling words. Resuscitation of a Hanged Man makes you question your own life. This book is truly a work of art. A+ for Denis Johnson and Resuscitation of a Hanged Man.
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All Families are Psychotic
Douglas Coupland
, January 24, 2008
This book was a wild rollercoaster of a ride. Twists and turns, happy and unhappy moments...this book has it all. I always enjoy reading about people who can find beauty in the negative/ugly aspects of life. All Families are Psychotic has the ability to dig deep down inside your soul, making you re-examine your own life. Douglas Coupland is definately one of my favorite authors to read. A+ for All Families are Psychotic.
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Jesus Son
Denis Johnson
, January 14, 2008
I was totally blown away with this book. The short stories were amazing. Denis Johnson has the ability to make you feel like you are a direct part of the story; many authors lack this talent. Jesus' Son is a short and quick read, but yet powerful and lasting. I will definately read this one again. A+ for Jesus' Son.
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Gum Thief
Douglas Coupland
, January 09, 2008
The Gum Thief is easily one of the best books I have ever read. Coupland uses interesting characters that you can relate with. Staples provides an interesting and humorous setting for anyone who has worked in retail. The novel written by Roger within The Gum Thief is a great story as well. Coupland has a great sense of humor that he intermixes throughout the book. This is one of the few books that I actually never wanted to end. This is my first Douglas Coupland novel but it definately will not be my last. A+ for The Gum Thief.
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Double Cross
James Patterson
, November 21, 2007
This book is excellent. This book is classic Patterson, which has been missed with his recent releases. This book is just as good as other Alex Cross titles. I wish James Patterson would release just one book a year, so he can put some time and effort into writing something that is worth reading. This book is action packed, a real page turner. Double Cross is what all James Patterson novels should be like. Overall, A+ for Double Cross.
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Eye Of The Beholder
David Ellis
, November 12, 2007
This book exceeded my expectations. This book has an interesting plot with great characters. I was hooked from the start and the book never let go. David Ellis shows serious talent for writing. This book was hard to predict how it would end, it was definately enjoyable. Overall, Eye of the Beholder deserves an "A" for a grade.
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Contortionists Handbook
Craig Clevenger
, October 20, 2007
I was surprised by how much I actually enjoyed this book. Clevenger uses a very interesting and refreshing premise for this book. John Vincent (main character) is someone who makes the reader thankful that they are not in his position, but still makes the reader sympathetic for what Vincent has gone through in his life. Craig Clevenger shows serious talent for writing and I am looking forward to reading other novels of his. Overall, "A" grade for this selection.
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Judge & Jury
James Patterson
, October 14, 2007
This book hooked me from the beginning and never let go. The plot was interesting and action packed. Patterson and Gross have great characters in this story. The book is very descriptive, making it easy to imagine the scenes in your head. Overall, this book deserves an "A" from me.
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Chuck Palahniuk
, October 09, 2007
Haunted is an amazing book. It hooked me from the start, I just had to know how the book was going to end. This book is disturbing, shocking and appalling. But the fact that this book is so deranged is exactly what makes it enjoyable. Chuck Palahniuk has some serious talent for writing, I love reading his work to find out what is going on in his mind. Haunted is not for everyone, light headed/weak stomach people need to keep away from Haunted. If you enjoy reading novels outside of the 'norm,' then this is the book for you. Overall, Haunted gets an A+ grade from me.
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Chuck Palahniuk
, October 01, 2007
This book is easily one of the best novels I have ever read. Survivor is just as good as Fight Club, both are equally entertaining. Palahniuk paints vivid characters and settings with his words, you do not have to struggle to imagine who or what he incorporates into his books. This book takes aim with religious fanatics and the obsession over the apocalypse. Chuck Palahniuk offers refreshing and new ways of looking at the world, and Survivor definately does not disappoint. I do not want to give away details of the book, because I cannot do it justice. Try this book, sit back and relax as you enjoy what is going on in the mind of this talented writer.
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Youve Been Warned
James Patterson
, September 26, 2007
I don't understand why this book is getting rated so poorly on other sites. I thought it was refreshing to read a totally different story as compared to a "good cop vs. bad guy" typical story. This book is a psychological thriller, it kept me turning the pages. Overall, this is a good book. I am glad I gave the book a chance.
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Sharp Objects
Gillian Flynn
, September 21, 2007
This book is powerful. The book is dark and disturbing, I almost hated turning the pages because I never knew what was waiting ahead. I couldn't help myself from turning the pages though, because this story is very addicting. Gillian Flynn makes you feel the pain of the characters, which is often a difficult task for authors to accomplish. I enjoyed this book in a sick and twisted kind of way. I definately will buy future books from Gillian Flynn.
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Chelsea Cain
, September 16, 2007
This book lives up to the hype. I am pleasantly surprised with this book. Cain has great characters throughout this book. The storyline is excellent, dramatic and suspenseful. I felt bad for the cop and creeped out by the serial killer. This book reads fast because you don't want to stop, my curiosity kept me turning the pages. I did not want the book to end, I can't wait for the next. Give this book a chance, I promise you won't regret it.
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Rage Therapy
Daniel Kalla
, August 14, 2007
This book was great. Great plot, suspenseful, full of twists and turns. The book has great characters and character development. There is a giant curveball for the ending, I never saw it coming. Daniel Kalla has some serious talent for writing. Try this book, I bet you will enjoy it as much as I did.
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Craig Davidson
, August 03, 2007
I do not know how to even begin my review. The Fighter by Craig Davidson is a masterpiece work of fiction. It is not for the weak, this book will disturb you. Any book that makes me feel uncomfortable is worth my money. Boxing gives these characters something to live for, it makes them who they are. Read this book, I promise you will enjoy it. I am a better person after reading The Fighter.
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Palahniuk, Chuck
, July 26, 2007
This is one of the best books I have ever read. Chuck Palahniuk is one of the most skilled writers in the field today. His style is unique, in a class of its own. If you have not read this book yet, now is the time.
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Paul Carson
, June 24, 2007
This book is good. It is action packed and suspenseful. I had no idea how it was going to end. Paul Carson brings you into the mind of the main almost feel as if you are directly in the story. This book is worth your time. I will purchase other books by Paul Carson.
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Blue Zone
Andrew Gross
, May 25, 2007
This book is outstanding. It is full of action and full of suspense. It has many twists and turns that keep the reader guessing as to what is going to happen next. I had a hard time putting the book down, I was hooked. I can't wait for Andrew Gross' next novel. Take a chance on this book!
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