Synopses & Reviews
Is The Money We Are Generously Giving Causing More Harm Than Good?We see the needs. We hear the cries. We listen to the emotional appeals to sacrifice and to be generous with all we have. So we give.But we give without knowledge. We give without understanding and viable relationships. In our ignorance, the very gift we have given to help so often destroy. The inequities created by our gift divide entire communities. Jealousy and fights ensue. We create beggars. Good men are corrupted.Tragically, such stories are not the exception but the rule. Is this Generosity Our guilt is appeased but great harm is done.That is what this book is about. It is a tour of our own culture and the many ways our money destroys those it was intended to benefit. It also shows us how we churches, foundations and individuals can apply timeless principles so we can know our stewardship of God?'s resources is accomplishing God?'s purposes both in our lives and in the lives of those who will die if we don t learn to give wisely.